Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Launch of a Minority Blog

Minorities are not made by numbers but by nomenclatures. Who does the naming? In the hub-bub we stretch and name. This is wikipedia's entry under Minority in this sense of art, philosophy and identities - the hybrid sense.

Admit not a thing or disclose sub rosa - the first is smart and telling in itself, of a fort-itude - most useful in trials and accusations.

The second approach again, amongst the soils and climates that grow you. Speak low, when you speak of love, sub rosa.

As lots of writers, thinkers, politicals, organisms and bodies will say - everyone has an agenda. This helps the sucker born every minute. The writings of minority may, in itself, pay agenda. I recall the statement by Nicholas Bourriaud at the Tate Gallery of 1996 coining the term "altermodernity" - the whole world should be talking about this/we don't know what is happening- some of my recollections and my memory is like a sieve.

photo by Mari Alarcon - a view of Iquique, disputed area of Chile
for you passionate nationalists of that sovereign history
a minor armada, or an astounding flotilla of love
But I remember thinking that this talk sounded very colonizing. As Werner Herzog so aptly said, that exploration framed in terms of claim, conquest and capture presents danger. Bourriaud in this talk strikes me as one discursive Dubbya. As soon as someone says the whole world should do something, this minority thinks, "I know what is happening". The vein of Dubbya's prize term "world wide pre-emptive defense" are active again. What a boor!

All good! Even our allies have agenda. I disclose that I had thought of agenda in this pre-emptive way - hey, in some way or other you are out to screw me.

I think the same today - different frame. Let's screw together and what shall we all screw? Let's make a cabinet, a shelf and a mountain. The povertous iron cage of modernity are now seagoing ergonomic lounges of rowing together, may you be Spartacus oar a modernist coxswain sloane in the Henley Regatta, oar anything else.

So, as Kafka was the study in focus for Deleuze and Guattari's Towards a Minor Literature, I point you here.

As the writer states - Deleuze and Guattari have an agenda.  There is nothing but! Agendas of mutual growth, agendas as zero sum games, agendas rational as theology - it will all be alright, keep your eyes open and be wary! Keep rowing, the cages of agenda will see us through yet to the following rivers - kayakers and boatswains.

Oh it is all writing - Derridean toilet grafitti "eschatology is, to my mind, e-scatology" - Mad Nietzsche, written in shit, from a great height. Metalanguage is still language.

Agenda, allies, expression of furies and whirlwinds, planting in foreign soils, growing wild orphans' jungles.

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