Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sir Les Patterson and the yaaartz

Is aesthetics the study of the sublime? Sublime as beauty, or boredom, or critique? Just havin a go, and life - be in it and be out of it!

I am not interested in the sublime, if it means sub-limen that is i think, underneath the limit. Sure, I am not Icarus today, daedalus strategy worked because he kept within the limits, so in Bloomsday Lore he is the artist. Limits are not static, I would know coz I have not had a car crash for yonkz.

and we gotta plant more trees and save the bushy jungles of Amazons, the concept of limit connotes a stasis or one plane of movement (with daedulus, it is flight). Maybe it's a blokey thing but there's a touch of the inflexibles about it.

Sir Les, champagne comedy on a beer budget, God bless you Sir Les and all the sheilas you have sailed in!

Click on any word you like to read Les Patterson's sexy
poo-moo discourse on kultcha and Australian politics

Friday, May 27, 2011

Talking to mathematicians about poetry

A fictive dramatisation of Vladimir Mayakovsky's tax return to pure scientists and guardians -

Dear Taxonomy agent:

Because I speak as an outsider, having never been awarded a medal or a mantle to pin it on, I cannot capture your definition and intent of what you do and how you see, obviously!, respected as it is. But is this an act of betrayal?

Claiming sole definition lives but complaining about malabduction or mismatched engagement as an economic injury? This is preciousness - beyond value and metaphysics - belies a theology of language, which is the author, Auteur, slighted political Pontiffs.   If respected definition must set up boundaries of ownership it becomes strategic, and semipermeability makes it all wobbly-woo.

Cover to Mayakovsky's book "Talking to the Taxman about Poetry"
photography by A. Rodchenko
Rarification of language can be ascertained with application and breakthroughs - allusions and allegories are the treehouses of scoundrels who articulate at distances, with their particular nuance and touch. Allusions and allegories are distant volleys. Traipsing botanists have a habit of shaking trees to get fruit, seeds, animals, and if indeed there is a tree house czars, czarinas, and Rasputins above, volleying distant allusions and allegories ...the fumbling botanist spoils the exploration, if the guarded Faberge eggs - cerulean blue, fall and crack. Let us hope that hatchlings emerge in the clumsiness of traipsing big footed botanists.

Pure science, pure reason, pure critique, pure identities? - fantasies

Why do some old stick-in-the-muds mathematics professors begin proofs as "Let A=A"? It is to remind that, amidst the student giggles, that the foundation, non-reflective algebra, is still symbolic and potentially can become something else. In an Alice in Wonderland way - this trajectory should suggest that A could equal X, that is why the stickler starts with establishing the frame of self-identity and solidity of mathematical value. If not, then, all that is solid melts into air... and can we have that?

 To overstep further to the precipice of mathematical ignorance, that the solidity of mathematics and algebra, of its self-identical and non-self-reflective nature that if we do not let A=A and A can equal something else, or it equates to a multiplicity of values within one algebraic symbol at this first axiomatic level of solidity and self-identity...

I wonder, and only fumble, that at this axiomatic foundations of algebraic, or even integer solidity (1 must equal 1, mustn't it?), that mutliplicities or complexities of value are unfolded in proofs and equations.

treeshaker without due research, but his
career depended on it - see climate change debate
between Monbiot and Bellamy. Bellamy slain.
10th May 2005 Channel 4 UK
That language - with its everyday misunderstandings already needs no unfolding proof of this, that language's multiplicity and ambiguities, zeugmas, puns, intended or unintended, are immanent.

Mathematics is hard work, for the complex state of multiplicity of value within one logical symbol. Here is a scatological example.

The word "shit" means many things - drugs, bad value, good value, agreement, a scream of sudden pain and the list can continue - that is economical in its many uses in four letters

the mathematics of this - s+h-it ... requires constant operators in the proof and to get an equation "=" is axiomatic. To be silly but serious that s+h-it= this blog posting ... well it is a lot of work, the mathematical operators in the proof working in a hydraulic manner - whereas shit (in words) is digital in comparison and really says it all. I hope at least I made someone laugh at my blackheaded pimply logic and maths in space.

Mathematics as language requires mechanisms, operators, no matter how clumsy or fine, swift and elegant. It has constructive filters and elements of functionality. "Science, It works, bitches" - is a pontification of the theology of function and analytical reason. "Working" is the grounding of science but working as the final refuge of czars, czarinas and Rasputins of Science? This attests to a certain attitudinal laziness or inflexibility of the sciences, also known as - that bitch has the best botox. Science has no idea to do with its indolence, its free time when money is not involved. This does not mean that individual scientists cannot wow me with scientific oddities, wonders or anachronisms. I think that is grand! I like how some scientists just hold back on the money.

Language is a math that has turned into air - solidity turns into hot air -the pontiffs tell you that you are dismissed.. Language, as a mathematic, does not require operators, or multipliers or dividers, squarers and rooters, - one word has several meanings, within written context, language hallucinates, hallucinates the reader. Language is already a multiplicity, of either blossoming solidities or semipermeable weavings.

One cannot hypnotise with the obvious power of math but with this - words, you can. Compliance to oblivion, you want, don't you.... hallucinate, hallucinate, hallucinate...

I have no science or philosophy career to lose. Sanity? Well, I don't take these writings seriously - it doesn't matter much to me.

Mayakovsky suicided at 37 years of age - prodigious and very ambitious. Grandiosity is to be danced with, with appropriate care and caution. Love to the reader, you have suffered enough! Now eat your pineapple xx

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The fear of tempests

Nothing like the fear of God to put the fear of God in you.

In the lyrical and conversational style I prefer of this ficto-science. I will ask you if you remember a common situation.

You are a very young child and a thunderstorm is approaching. The first one you remember. Yes, that one. The loud thunderclaps as if Odin himself had roared and Thor struck the Oerth. And lightning and hard rain, hard, hard rain. It is God, it is Great. It is destruction. It is fear. The first time you saw the dance of lightning, like scissors, forks and knives, like the animal mouth of Fenris-Ulf, with teeth of swords when he walked the Oerth in times of green and of savagery. It is barbaric, without protection and it is beautiful fear.

I have a friend who wrote a thesis on eco-allegory. I really hope he can input here. I recall his writings of nature, coming into the home, and of the fear of the wildness of nature, and of the safety of the home. But these frames can have different lenses.

On this scant memory of David Fonteyn's work I sense a dynamism between the nomos and logos of Ecos.

Dr Fonteyn's work is far more extant than that, and obviously follows different and varied rivulets of thoughts, approaches and regards.

This post cannot be about his work as such.

I had read a book when I was that child first experiencing storms, semipermeably, that early mythical creatures, such as the Djinn (Genie) were anthropomorphic descriptions of meteorological events. And the continuation of the anthropomorphisation of floods, seas parting, rays of sunshine and wildfires to mythical creatures continues.

Animist tradition though imbue the natural world with spirit. I am though interested now in deities, magical, sacred as such, as animals.

Invoking deities from Pharoanic Egypt, the Viking etc allows me to say that deities as bricolage, as tools, are there to help us deal with nature, semi-permeable nature. In a simplistic way, animist traditions are with indigenous cultures, polytheist traditions are in agri-cultures (so the floods will come etc), monotheisms are in moral cultures - laws, codices, accountability. The sources are their in Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals, the works of Bataille, anthropology of Bateson. I will deny academic writing for its passivity. This writing is not supplementing kudos, accountability or career so there is no personal need -as I meander.

So, the Nile had its crocodiles, the ouroboros of Viking legend, Quetzalcoatl's Mayan return all veiled in terms of the nomos conspiring to repress reptoid alien galactic warfare - which is the truth, the logos.

All I will point to at the moment is that I see a lot of horseshit in reptoid discourse and conspiracies. World changing assertions yet without references. And if there is a reference, on inspection, it didn't bear much. And that I don't agree means that I am not inquisitive enough, or enchanted by the spin of media. Did I mention I don't listen to radio or watch TV?

So doomsayers and apocalyptic salesman I think are people with resentments, and the whole world has to suffer - except for them and their herd, obviously! The resentment factor is so magnified it is arguably sublime.

But the One you believe in will sort them all out. Maybe the One will take your slights into consideration.

The fear of mega-weather events is the foundation of metaphysics, spirituality and religion - is the contestation here. It doesn't matter much to me.

As for the taxonomies to be made semipermeable? logos and nomos - ha! the ancient greek embeds in discourse to be shaken, dusted off, cracked, blended, chopped , diced, dressed and the excess thrown over one's shoulder for good fortune.

Acclimatizing to new models...

ecdI, writtornello, do humbly declare that I have a brimming cup of research of no fuss but some fun can be hazardous. We all like that really,

Here is a self reference, I make words up! These are known in the business as neologisms. So I have a linguistic talent as a neologician - and one offers explanations. But it is not the Douglas Adams "meaning of liff" and that quaint comedic penguin book schtick. I am pointing at you and hear this - there is method in this presentation.

Walt Whitman
Leaves of Grass
I sing the body electric
Song of myself
So, for example, when I think I have made a word up, usually brought around by mental crocodile wrestling, I bring how the fight was fought, how the way was won, as words below not just signification, or referentiality, but bustling flows, turbulence, ideas on the grassy river banks of sense - I envision Walt Whitman smoking a corn pipe and exhaling to the night sky as he manifested into a legion of proud Kentuckians, Southern coal-miners, River people, farming communities and telegraph systems. The stuff of legion is always swimming in these eddies and freshets, riding rapids and flows. Words mean nothing till explained, and Douglas Adams is one of those quaint comedic writers, an Arthur Dent of propriety and things are just not fair - granted, we made it that way. It bores me at times.

I, writtornello, will blow the horn -- jazperger's syndrome (first google reference prize), logostrophe (first google reference prize) I could just lay on my fat laurelly ass, my friends would like that, but you are my reader and not my friend. Your friends don't listen to me, as I don't read minds. This is Alice but bear with me - I am nobody's salesman, mofo, not even my own - my downfall ;)

Google Neologist - someone who makes neologism and brings life and not liff or Liffey - no crocodiles, gators or caimans in those waters. I can only say the Amazon Basin. It is our lives - the most humble universal statement I can make. I don't make them lightly so love to the reader.

As my intellectual bent has veered towards "smooth ecologies" - a statement that itself bears explanations and is also a "first google reference prize" I keep moving into smaller territories of delight - psychoclimatology, of which there is a fine abstract on the net - 2010. In the field of climatology there is a subset of study called tempestology - the study of storms. The Google Neologism of this month is psychotempestology - the effect of storms on the psyche. And another goof off google first. I eat these pussies for breakfast... Biometereology - to the point of space weather and wellbeing

Words mere words, HEAR me well.  So much of psychology is psychocentric - the mental self as focus for the discipline. Flip it! We are weather systems and not psyches! Little havens of weather, internal climate states. To bring Jung and Reich, antipsychiatry and schizoanalysis into play somewhat, that we are all weather systems, our bodies at the cellular level at least being semipermeable, and thus what "sense" is, is the vibe in everyday language. If the semipermeability of cells and sub-atoms are axiomatic, I propose a climatological model of understanding bodies, as distinct from overly-strict medical models.

I am bold enough to imagine that at sub-cellular level, patterns of semipermeable exchange and of cellular behaviour are not only correlated to geo-magnetic forces or likely affected by such forces (RW Kay
Geomagnetic storms: association with incidence of depression as measured by hospital admission
The British Journal of Psychiatry 164: 403-409 (1994) )- but cells themselves operate akin to  terrestrial/cosmological weather patterns.

I maybe mad. But if I am, then these old people are the academic face of this rant. (1988)

Human biometeorology. A solid and factitious established medical science. Let me plant meteorology as the model and a re-evaluated biology and humanism (in the scientific, not ethico-political sense juuust yet) will follow.

Black clouds over heads, radiant woman, beaming smile, stormy relationships, warm soul, cloudy dispositions, art works, songs, Billie Holliday, a mist over his eyes lifted and smoking cigarettes is what it is, - the control of your own cloud systems, as I mean it.

The year 1737? Mon cule!!

"Smooth ecologies" ? Could be an overarching narrative to make sense and peace of my freshets and rushes, as I lie on the grass, loafing. As I bleat - personal ecologies, social ecologies, biomic ecologies (that is - The Industrialised Earth, we have no other, as humans we can have no other - productive critters we are). I won't get universal as I hate even flirting with that body of work. Transversality - respectful commonalities and differences respected and not obsessed over. Transversal also offers the appreciation of other forms of existence - I give an example here of deconstructing psychocentrism and using an unrelated scientific field as a model to juice new perspectives on all bodies. The strategy of this thought-piece is to take the body of work and examine it in a different model - to see what results I can get. I wonder what you get?

Semipermeable taxonomies lead to breathier, more open and wide vista ecologies - a big picture and no hermetic segments at the level of the particular. The taxonomies of ecologies as presented above I present to a becoming-dissolute, as to become semipermeable taxonomies of ecologies. And all that is solid melts in air... I was more seduced by Karl Marx's poetic form. It hasn't stopped.

To harp heavenly, Jung's transpersonal asserts that we are all one in the archetypal unconscious - i pose to him that we are all multiplicitous semipermeable weather systems and are already co-mingling. A poetics of science. Ficto-science, as distinct to science fiction, or alt science.

Launch of a Minority Blog

Minorities are not made by numbers but by nomenclatures. Who does the naming? In the hub-bub we stretch and name. This is wikipedia's entry under Minority in this sense of art, philosophy and identities - the hybrid sense.

Admit not a thing or disclose sub rosa - the first is smart and telling in itself, of a fort-itude - most useful in trials and accusations.

The second approach again, amongst the soils and climates that grow you. Speak low, when you speak of love, sub rosa.

As lots of writers, thinkers, politicals, organisms and bodies will say - everyone has an agenda. This helps the sucker born every minute. The writings of minority may, in itself, pay agenda. I recall the statement by Nicholas Bourriaud at the Tate Gallery of 1996 coining the term "altermodernity" - the whole world should be talking about this/we don't know what is happening- some of my recollections and my memory is like a sieve.

photo by Mari Alarcon - a view of Iquique, disputed area of Chile
for you passionate nationalists of that sovereign history
a minor armada, or an astounding flotilla of love
But I remember thinking that this talk sounded very colonizing. As Werner Herzog so aptly said, that exploration framed in terms of claim, conquest and capture presents danger. Bourriaud in this talk strikes me as one discursive Dubbya. As soon as someone says the whole world should do something, this minority thinks, "I know what is happening". The vein of Dubbya's prize term "world wide pre-emptive defense" are active again. What a boor!

All good! Even our allies have agenda. I disclose that I had thought of agenda in this pre-emptive way - hey, in some way or other you are out to screw me.

I think the same today - different frame. Let's screw together and what shall we all screw? Let's make a cabinet, a shelf and a mountain. The povertous iron cage of modernity are now seagoing ergonomic lounges of rowing together, may you be Spartacus oar a modernist coxswain sloane in the Henley Regatta, oar anything else.

So, as Kafka was the study in focus for Deleuze and Guattari's Towards a Minor Literature, I point you here.

As the writer states - Deleuze and Guattari have an agenda.  There is nothing but! Agendas of mutual growth, agendas as zero sum games, agendas rational as theology - it will all be alright, keep your eyes open and be wary! Keep rowing, the cages of agenda will see us through yet to the following rivers - kayakers and boatswains.

Oh it is all writing - Derridean toilet grafitti "eschatology is, to my mind, e-scatology" - Mad Nietzsche, written in shit, from a great height. Metalanguage is still language.

Agenda, allies, expression of furies and whirlwinds, planting in foreign soils, growing wild orphans' jungles.