Sunday, March 30, 2014

The non-exchangeable, and no ice, please

Someone boasting about
their awesome bank balance

is the same thing
as a capitalist singing you 
the song of their people 

- poet ARP.

Baudrillard's notion of non-exchange applied in current socius (*society, social media and social strata/groups)

the current tribalist urbanism, beard cultures as repetition of indie in an age where no real independent music companies exists.

and why a large bank account, a soccer jersey emblazoned with brewing company "Cristal" and the dilapidated fetishisation of the object brings non-exchange as cultural *snowline* to the cool and vertiginous pose of the accumulators of objects.The real fiscal arch, in the mould of someone like Wallace Stevens, are to be found in auction houses. Every other fiscal display is pretending and therefore transparent n vapid.

What do such fiscal peacocks do when their best taste for money, their conspicuous consumption, is already passe to a street bum?

You just can't buy good cool's not in exchange.


the right wing whine of left critique against rich old white men is only based on it being repetitious is a sign of exhaustion. To repeat that it's a victim mentality is only the opprobium of fiscal morality of the already established.

it's a second level myth therefore and blaming the victim for the injustice. Fallacy of unnatural justice. Or are you just being kingkey? We love real estate...

These things are objective and of object inscribed economy. The colaratura of the rich is a psychopathology of fear and stamping in the concrete value by non-exchange or MC Hammer singing "you can't touch this". Or Lord Haw Haw drinking the lemon water tureen.

But the street bum can sneer now. The art you like, the aesthetic you frott to modernist whimper, can be sideswiped by Pozo, Vladimir and Estragon as a piece of shit. The Duchampian finality is - that the big bank balance as object is a piece of shit and all the things you've brought with it, including their street credibility and signification under charmed chandeliers and champagne from Minnesotta. And I haven't even mention Freud yet - but who has to anyway?

The non-exchangeable, or the non-object democratised via an equal distribution in the knowledge economy. Yes they say get a job and I say, waiting for clenched fiscal urinal stream trickle down hyperdesert to rain pennies from heaven.

I understand and I even empathise at insipid liberalism's as ovine mantra...having thought as freshly minted currency in a knowledge economy is an asset, a value pool and it can only be translated to the ovine ovals by crystallisation. But my point ultimately is against the insipid....and the line drawn around crystal palaces in the air - ones that no longer for any one or thing I do care


The simpleton's way out of the crystalline is to buy something of value and easily communicated cultural sophistication value. But Beckett beckons your bullshit - beggars belief! And no bouquets for any tu quoques. The bum knows your beaujolais sucks ass, and they giggle.

Even Noam Chomsky has to dress down because it's an economic necessity - ethically and physically. Don't count the lucre in front of struggle street and watch out for the rogue thug mugger. It's unfortunate but the mugger won't complain about old rich white men...they're easy pickings on the wrong side of the street.

Other crystalline values (and they're very fragile...) are access to elite spaces (gentleman's clubs, beautiful dance halls), muscular bodies, urban aggression as pivot to the line of non-exchange and social status antagonism. Postures for a power that is power over.

And the soft passe equanimity of power-to has laurels...power to seduce, power to build, power to sway, power to steal, power to fight. Is it a soft fuzzy crystal? - This is in the shadows, or it's the prismatic spectrum of colours that are visibile, dazzling through the crystal of le venge

but non-perceivable, non sensed to those who only sense the object graspable. This is the zu-hande bias, the to-hand fallacy of Heidegger. Haptic or it doesn't exist. This is facile ultimately and a foundational feature of great analytical cultures.

The other parties of in this architecture besides the crystalised are, the fluid and the recollectable ie memory.

Give me the shovel and the gravedigger, because laughter kills all gravity. Your airs and heirs and hot ere and hot now and hot air forever till Heat Death do us part.

Death crosses lines by night and with impugnity. It kills us all and even them of infinite jest.

But don't be fooled - there's a filthy rich version of Godot under the couture dustman's cap of pricey chic vintage fashion as cultural signifier - the crypto-affluent. If they ever turn right, knock em dead on the head, Ted, mmm perhaps take the bread and the lambspread.

and any token to humanism must overcome and overcompensate, overreach and overarch...double golden arches and triple axle for the saccharine. Even Jesus thinks saccharine is sucks cultural and cinematic ass.

Any questions from the dirty rascals?

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