Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Science and Philosophy - salt and pepper

s - monstrous problems, limits, varied access to results via theories and models, workable, materially mechanisable, kindly prove me wrong it sincerely and necessarily asks, methodical, optimism of cosmos, everyday militarisms - yet with ontological naivete

p - ontological rigour, dialogue, refinements, indifferences, counter-intuitive, political, consistencies, turning, spinning possibly, mechanisable metaphysically, conceptual, it proves you wrong as it targets everything - the ambitious become arch of social ruins and will find dulcet hermitage

both immersed, embedded, speculative and discrete. One's the lover and the other one goes on without them.

Pepper philosophy loves wisdom - that knows it doesn't know; and salt science just knows and understands - it makes and quenches thirst.

Can't you see I'm right/Can't you see I work without that?

Philosophy has a garden it's stuck to and wants the greener-otherness cache of science because it died from universal indifference and hunger, of hatted hit-bliss hermitude. "What have you done for me lately?" asks Jackson science.

Even by bang or whimper we're done, science will be at the end, as cause and effect thereof say the people. With endlessness so too and all legally centralised stuck exclusions that philosophy knew. Push it, good.

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