Saturday, September 10, 2011

tags research interests

The terrestrial biome and the anemophily of social change - 2011 civil riots by seed, by animal, by waves.

the importance of flows - going with, counterflows/eddies, freshets and celestial bliss (aurora) - counterflows create beauty - some may disbelieve - the sun creates aurorae on earth - from the sun's core supermassive countermagnetic forces radiate from the core creating immense solar flares and storms - that supermass of magnetic energy reaches the earth's magnetic field and creates aurorae - which are beautiful - unless you live near the poles - in which then - they are everyday prettinesses.

(elastic magnetosphere - magnetic reconnection)  (further doubts? - talk to NASA)

So this effects economics

and as well, human health - physical and psychological.

the atmospheric and spatial events

discrete excitation of molecules in the magnetosphere and the specificity of the aurora

the anemophily of molecular drift

television is human made aurora

and point made to the layperson :)

and the garden of my frequencies/ frequentings   nice blog of someone's some music free i think

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