"Yet I show that, from an epistemological point of view, habitus theory is not deterministic. Bourdieu’s treatment of this concept implies at least three principles that exclude determinism: (1) the production of an infinite number of behaviors from a limited number of principles, (2) permanent mutation, and (3) the intensive and extensive limits of sociological understanding. After identifying and describing these principles, I show the reason for their incompatibility with a deterministic perspective and consider their implications for the corresponding model of action."
Habitus, Psychology, and Ethnography: Introduction to the Special Section Theory & Psychology December 2009 19: 707-711, Mathieu Hilgers
Here goes,
habitus in this writing, is principled, theoretic, a productivity is modeled to create infinity and spanning denoted zones (inside/outside)
the notion of inhabitance from me, As the above quote from Neruda presents, it is an intention for hybridity as making a Chilean salad. Pablo Neruda wrote a book "Elemental Odes" where odes to various things elemental like rocks ("certain rocks" as his turn of phrase happenstance), tomatoes, ("dressing the salads of Chile") , a pair of socks, - they are everday - poetry for him is to make the everyday esteemed, and celebrated with wine. The mediterranean style celebration.
t's celebration not like potlatch when it became political by becoming destructive of "wealth" products in the ceremonial exchange, - especially when Western Industrial products, like furs, books, and other assorted consumer items were burnt and was deemed illegal for 70 years. This is not the disordered "word salads" of medical symptamotology. It's an old term.

I will push slowly now. I sensed that I "look" at landscapes, I look at the lay of the land of discourse, and mix up the taxonomies, like a salad. I am in discussion with an economist regarding psychopathological labels of global economics and credit agencies (Moodys - Standard and Poors), he let go a raft of the metaphors of economics. Besides the manic depressive nature of global economics as was pointed by Alan Greenspan, Ex-head of the Federal Reserve 2008 - Bear and Bull markets - Keynsian terms, he described as "animal spirits" metaphors. The arbitrariness of money value - that all commerce students know. Pluck Adam Smith's Invisible hand. So I read the metaphors of discourse and then approach from another metaphorical model to mix things up, as the blog quote denots.
So I read things, poeticaly - metaphors, and then mix the taxonmies with other metaphors culinary wise, or like a highschool chemistry lab experiment. Throwing models together through semipermeable taxonomies - the blog title itself borrows from biologies - cellular biology and classificational biology. Solanum lycopersicum with a small percentage of sodium chloride it is good for the anatimo.
As I am want to look for the point of entry through these surfaces - It is visual as poking and probing - but the Simpson Aliens had exhausted all research possibilites.
Have I seen what I looked at, or did I look at what I saw - Hart Crane
So I explore other senses - searching for intensive or extensive limits - hearing, tactile. And traveled on landscapes with those. Much has been made of traveling in nomadology.
Habitus as percieved by the senses - what ever mode of sense (say visuality) and submode (surveying, readerly) - which ever sense or way of that sense -is habitus as perception.
If Robert Anton Wilson wanted to remove the word "is" to open up perception from ascription. I would like to remove the word "as". So that immediacy, and it's ascription of time as distance (it's nearly 8oclock, "I should go home soon" - can be mutated to the term "inhabitance" - playing with the senses, in ways semipermeable, like discursive synaesthesia, or celebration. Latin American "asados", salads and chimichurri, pebre (great home made green and red liquid mix of medium chilli, but liquid, not Tex Mex or even Mexican salsa. - I know not yet how to do this marvel) - a friend's mother calls it "pasta base" - freebase sauce - oh Gloria you are wicked hahaha.

Inhabitance - taking up the modes, navigating the Chilean Archipelago through open submodes, rocky submodes (paranoia, inattentiveness, unfeeling, frostbited for examples). Vast submodes - visionary, cosmic, universal, global) (submodes of mobility - travel, nomadology, sedentary, acrobatic, flexible, contortionist) and the chapters of hands. In the Chilean Archipelago, you will find Robinson Crusoe Island, where the real-life person ascribed in th novel was shipwrecked. Easter Island....I would not go there - get lost in the subterranean cities, those Moai. Bah! Chiloe and its traditions - a magic place.
mix them up - the infinity factor comes in - I believe there has been calculation of submodes and then the mix of these (paranoid vision, inattentive cosmic unfeeling universal ---)_ these are unproductive modes Productive modes are inhabitances, obviously. And fun. And the complexity of productive modes, submodes and these mixes, and then mixed the with the same in the anti productive and and the same in unproductive - is the soup we are made of. Autochtonous, a common word in Castillian, not so English....Primordial? Leave that to Carl Sagan and Mel Brooks. Discursive, metaphorical, inhabited soups? hahahah is there an Ode to the Soup du Jour? My father recalled a handful of times in his life something an acquaintance said to him in old 1950s Chile "no mucho sopa para la cabeza" - not too much soup for the head. Yes the cryptic shit my dad uttered - a Winey Shatner as therapeutic homilies. Must have been a soup glut one year in the obsession of the underclass home made cook books...
To produce modals, submodals and mix them up has been done in cybernetics as linguistics, anthropology, psychology, and my preferences. Read the snippet again. Un abrazo calido - warm embrace. The farewell to go home, abrazos (hugs) to sign off familial and friendly emails. The cut point of Latin cultures. Across people. Embrace and hey be good, take care.
Inhabitance by walking, home life. The dancing there is different - people of certain communities gather at dance halls from kids - to flirties, to slight more flirtiers, to married with prams, to the old happy people. inhabitance
This is not literalisation of metaphors, but the swimming in them, passing through them, don't fucken play El Condor Pasa, just fucken don't! hahahah ya empezo el hueveo! Inhabiting metaphors. Nietzsche mentioned mobile metaphors in his powerful work "On Truth and Lie in the Amoral Sense". That metaphors move.
I think the tightrope scene in Zarathustra currently that this is a homily - caution, nimbleness as virtues or anti-Lutheran preaching don't take the narrow path, take many paths or wider, safer, more scenic, warm, sensual and interesting paths.
I am reminded of Dauno Martinez, Sydney based bass player and the nicest badass you would really like to meet, hear and smile with. The virtuosity, yes, the poetics from the virtuosity, yes, the stratosphere, yes, the bottom end to make a groove rhythm inhabiting different altitudes, grounds, environments, poetics of his electric pedal use to make the mixes - wonderful, the ability to respect the genre, that is there.
(youtube of dauno martinez doing this stuff.)
Borges said that the history of the world can be drawn back to a few metaphors. He had a unique originariness. Back to the original few "walls" - which Cortazar played with in his opening story of Bestiary - where a tenant inhabits a new house. And someone in that house is making walls, more walls, until the protagonist is walled out of his house.
Neruda liked Borges but found him dreary - not much to work with. Borges criticised Neruda as a rightwinger - Borges turned blind in more ways than one...could only see really really large print towards the twilight of his life. They are not books of sand which is a a impermeable surface of eternity and specificity - his inhabitance was a handful of XL letters.
The eternal mutations of joy. Inhabitance with the senses and their productive antiproductive and unproductive submodes - is affirmed as yes. Infinity is questionable in quants? but the soup du jours are everyday. But have the fish of the day on Wednesday or Thursday. Chilean portsides - the seafood is exquisite. As well as the omni food of Peru. yeah. native herbal curative teas of South America. Yes that's down home. Peyote well, that's there and in the eyes of splendid visionaries who own the world. The master of the world...as a street acquaintance told me of his shamanic beliefs. That is romantic - that is a little nerdy of the hippy hipster chomskian. He was cool sort of, the sweet Aussie nerd proselytizing buddhism and shamanism was Howl sung to the melody of El Condor paso otra vez - the condor flew past his in his irises.
Moving house anxiety. Domestic anxiety of living on my own. Suffering anxiety for hours, but bergsonian hours that fit in my small change jeans pocket. My hands, knees, enviro no fluid cleaning products. Own the dirt. Something is missing. A crackling living domesticity - fragrance of orchids. My own cooking does things to my friends - indirectly sometimes hehehe the comics taunts the "walk of shame" walker. Well, I don't have professional bowels, lucky I don't do that for income. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes gold plated Suri's first number two, and put it up for auction on e-bay. It would have made fiscal paper for the vaults and home kitty
I should get a pet - it is a safeguard.
cute - with table manners |
This will be no way as great as Pablo Neruda's houses, his dinner tables and bars, shoe and butterfly collections. In the manner of the alterlatino academic discussing the world of the gothic forest (readings of European sensibility) - I dunno - level of philosophy?
The french are very interested in houses - what's your house like? Their philosophy is aristocratic, examines structures and it's technics - genealogical and dynastic. The House of Namey, and they flee with ethnography, refuge in anthropology and otherness, alterity, they like you and your house, but they wear no pants in the morning. Nomadology is the footsteps of this dynasty in fruitful activities away from the Palace. Historical studies in Nomad culture document that in medieval city centres of the middle east, political power sharing arrangements - familial based - were practiced - one family ruled for a year, and the other five made an existence in their wanderings.
This was a codified practice of distribution of political power. Nomads explores, wandered, met, but they have a lineage and are waiting for succession. Deleuze and Guattari are orphan dauphins. Nomadology as Deleuze and Guattari, read through postcolonialism, is are footsteps to ascendancy whose traces are transient as sand, stopping at oases, with Xanadu as mirage, shimmering in a delusional distance, of escaped foreign legion soldier Beau Geste - who aint no-one's cop. the uniform of discourse is but surface.
To be kind to phenomoneologist which I don't know anything about really. Phenomenologies should acknowledge from Bourdieu, mutations, the mutation of perception and sense and the inhabitances of these, as mobile phenomenological inhabited mutations.
The English, see-sawing, happy in misery, melancholic with transience of niceness, and that, in pose, that niceness can never return? Talk about the weather, in a strange way, global warming is bringing out an English beam, but civil order and propriety till then. A basis of inclusion to sensibility and exclusion to ignorance of this propriety. Cliched, the rich mixed cultural and political points of London, it is nicey and dicey.
I cue orderly when I am the only person waiting in the line, don't you?
That old cliche is old duffle hat, nostalgia is power though I sense. The pining for the sun never setting is reborn in Little Britain, The Office, and Come Fly with Me. Nostalgia - greek for homesickness - Nostalgia for empire, yes hit that again, it's a feelgood - Come Fly with Me. Yes lunatic. I wonder what non-english listeners think when the comedic volume is turned to zero. Not so funny... but have your day in the sun. I hear you get more nowadays :)
The geneology of Germans, the Aryan pure transplanted in Noveau Germanias in South America. As well as Nazi fugitives. They are the comical scapegoats of Chilean humour. The irony is not lost on the Chileans. Chilean folklore has a secret which I am bound by death not to tell. Truly bastard lands and the Aryan immigrants want purity, noble Aleman? The Nazi fugitive wants sanctuary?
One silly old chilean dad joke - Mr Otto walks up limping terribly wincing in pain. Mr Fritz asks urgently "what's wrong Mr Otto? You look sick!" - "my shoes are 3 sized to small Mr Otto!"
I guess the next alter-chilean story from me is "La Herida Justo y su Canya Mala".
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Neruda's house shoes - size 30 men, the biggest he could get. The courier from the factory apologised and said they were both left footed/ He laughed and said "it's fitting" |
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