So - the emperor is naked. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.
But how about this to stir the wasps nest. "I like your old stuff better than your young stuff"
The word whateva takes precedence, does it not? The being-dismissed out of what the commons people of Occupy and rebellion and anarchy and all rebellions soft and sweet is the bone or pie of contention.
And the anti-intellectual but nevertheless intelligent say "get over it - it will all work out in the end".
I think of my butt and the guarantee that shit happens.
To the occupiers and the didacts who want to show me the emperor's donger - well, yeah, nothing no-one has never seen before. Bullies, black-eyes and also some real bad bruises.
It is understandable and I think it would be remiss for ostracised people NOT to have the shits.
But is that it? wallowing in frustration? That capitalism does not give us free money to buy our feathers and caps to strut like cocks of the walk or spray our scent so you get one you want?
It's a question of distribution of money. And distribution of employment. And as well the healing of the rift between animal alpha pimps and hoes - and the rest of us plane jane and schmoes looking at the pornography of desire and actually thinking we deserve better.
Thinking won't do it. A lot of activists reach a point of desiring threshold to bring down the Patriarchy and the Imperialist Semiotic Machine. The discursive and economic spores and spermatozoa to make scents in the countries of riches. While hell freezes and Africa starves for no good reason. Surplus produce... is inflammatory. You can't give free food without some engine starting. And I thank my friends and fellow activists for nourishing my soul and my body.
and it starts from there - and it can end there. Letting spirits rest.
But let's take up the Occupy challenge. So, the rebellious spore and spermatozoa and scent. Let it have it's Rio de Janeiro of cake and pussy time. Now, Chomsky opines that the system is too big too fail. And he's pragmatic.
So shall the activists keep working themselves into a lather? And showing all that those well placed in everyday mercantilism on a micro-economic level that economic DISTRUST and social hypothermia rules?
When I say economies, I mean social, financial, fiscal, libidinal, sexual, creative, electronic and domestic home economies.
Trust lost - and it's cold inside too - Hell Hath Frozen Over and the mad winds belong to everyone - those who run the symbiosis, those who attack it, those who live in it comfortably and those who snuggle up to someone and does not wish to think about it or are unable to make decisions.
Well - the social buck stops here. Not only now is there geo-economic hunger, and intransigence military-industrial-media and governmental. I am forced to re-evaluate all values of economics.
Economics tells us in clear terms that money is a nominal value based on the ups and downs of markets macro - micro and interconnected.
The old native American Indian jibe of the capitalist unable to eat money when the last tree is gone is anthropological fairy floss - so let me give you a toffee apple.
Geo-Economics or Ecology as guiding principle to governance and therefore economics and the city is the ground.
The value is not in invisible hands or even what Timothy Morton wrote a few months ago - that human beings are ghosts that radiate isotopes.
We are flesh, blood, scent, sweat, hair, sperm, and all the abject and the beauty of eyes lips, lashes breasts hands buttocks arms, strengths.
Yes we are made of carbon and have a small radioactivity within us. Therefore it is imperative that to manage the Radioactive in us that the first value is by necessity Bio-Value.
I questioned tonight - why do humans see themselves quite so high up the food chain. Wouldn't it be more sensible that the fundaments of the food chain be solidified in seed banks, phytoplankton fars, clover commons, that recuperates the anthropocene?
And while where on the topic - the animal in us or the animal we think animals are - would require a re-evaluation of taxonomy to see them in the stark day of light.
The tightest belt of animal taxonomy I can think of.
The Non-imal.
"I have a mind to confuse things, unite them, make them new-born, mix them up, undress them, until all light in the world has the oneness of the ocean, a generous, vast wholeness, a crackling, living fragrance." - Neruda
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
autochtoneity - for Rajiv
Thanks for your time - to define indigeneity or the colonized as non-equine cultures is consistent. Yes in Native America - horses were there and disappeared and the mythic prophecies of the horse's return came true.
when I speak about models of successful resistance in engaging Discovery colonialism most Anglo-Europeans get the shits - dunno why - I can guess... the horse is the fundament of World Power. And to make an inkling that two non-equine cultures exist uncolonized, unappropriated or not co-opted - the anger is a fascism full stop.
when I speak about models of successful resistance in engaging Discovery colonialism most Anglo-Europeans get the shits - dunno why - I can guess... the horse is the fundament of World Power. And to make an inkling that two non-equine cultures exist uncolonized, unappropriated or not co-opted - the anger is a fascism full stop.
non-equine indigenous cultural successful resistance to Discovery colonization - patagonia and an island in the Indonesian archipelago
horse = horse power
sex = war
from the seeds and eggs of families - and differing models of familiarity - autochtoneities (indigenous) are seen as brutish by European etiquette social ethic and yes if the river makes noise it is because there are stones that are carried in it or - stereotypes are based on some truth.
in an autochteneity of no walls.
The war machine of housed cultures and horse-dynasties think of their justifications and hail maries. This is seen in the apologetics of Liberalism.
Back to colonization. Royal houses, the familial proximities of the euro-royalty - is an ecology of familial power structures that are an an-oedipal organism that spreads as Power.
It is not as if the autochtonous war machine is imperialist - it seeks inhabitance and obviously open to cohabitance - recognition is enough at times. And resistance followed that being educated in Australia I never heard the name Pemulwuy until I was 29 years old!
In Chile the token was made by marked mention of the Mapuche nation in the national anthem. In Australia? Sorry and the wisdom of leaders to develop a bridge to cohesive national inhabitance - more sorries obviously and ego-dissolution to be embraced as acceptance in the future.
The war machine of housed cultures and horse-dynasties think of their justifications and hail maries. This is seen in the apologetics of Liberalism.
Back to colonization. Royal houses, the familial proximities of the euro-royalty - is an ecology of familial power structures that are an an-oedipal organism that spreads as Power.
It is not as if the autochtonous war machine is imperialist - it seeks inhabitance and obviously open to cohabitance - recognition is enough at times. And resistance followed that being educated in Australia I never heard the name Pemulwuy until I was 29 years old!
In Chile the token was made by marked mention of the Mapuche nation in the national anthem. In Australia? Sorry and the wisdom of leaders to develop a bridge to cohesive national inhabitance - more sorries obviously and ego-dissolution to be embraced as acceptance in the future.
and of politics? equality - equal - equus - with this non-equine culture uncolonized there is a political superiority and therefore a psychological superiority (Nietzsche) - unfortunate but suck eggs. And Calle 13 - a rapper who made a magnificent eco freestyle rap caused a riot in his becoming-earth - and to hear it was without equal - his album is called "no hay igual" trans. there's no equal - no horses except hay for the iguana - to play on the imperfect cognates to English. Everyday unique diversity - just big it up because they are good... this was one press report.
the rapper backed by a band of Conservatorium-gravitas caused a riot in the theatre of this International song festival - I would like to translate that rap because it is incendiary poetics fuelled by the destruction of Patagonia by the current Neo-Con government for what has been exposed as false economic bottom-line analysis and reportage - multiple bottom lines. The era of smartphones and internet now stops the Chilean President, also major Media Mogul and the major shareholder of LAN airlines, creating media red herrings.
CALD is imho great and useful for governmental governance when used correctly - as community members who affirm social distributive capital. Yet socially preferable to me is a holistic appreciation of diversity from cybernetic and second level order cybernetics as anthropologist Gregory Bateson described, that's my personal sociology.
The value here is not the j'accuse of classical European discourse but of non-equal diversities - uniqueness in ecology being the grounds of science and community. A social inclusionism around that!
A reminder for a sociological awareness of the struggle to be de-orientalised. Sad militancy is common esp in the margins. Dems de breaks sometimes and monumental movements like jazz would not have happened without that. I have gone through such struggles Rajiv.
Anger is also part of Universal production - to be inculcated in the system. Seeking commonalities developing productive differences - community specific if needs be. Walls are good for studios, libraries and other positive giftings of Equined Cultures (European and Asian)
The being bi-lingual and approaching the roots of Romance and Germanic language allows for etymological unity and difference. The differences are funny in imperfect cognates and sometimes very telling from my perspective - one can read too much into it - but if I follow Chomskyian linguistics - positing a deep linguistics then one reads the world and all its glory and strife from imperfect cognates. Here is an example - the word Male in English - the imperfect cognate in French male means "evil" - surface and depth linguistics - it is comical and I am reminded very much of Fawlty Towers.
The din of conflict is too much for many except for the anarchist strain, french poststructarilists (NOT postmodernists), inhabitance sociologists, biosemiotics and rigorous hybrid sciences.
I keep my anchor points and references to respected academic authority strong - or else it is all piss and wind, fancy and sickening violins of orientalisation and the victims of orientalisation.
My goal? An individual and community goal of communication and practice - to speak generally and be wise to correction -- not correctional facilities - jail hospital university church.
Post scriptum - in the face of increasing neo-conservative insults to the commons and environmental vandalisms in the US Europe Middle East Latin American and I now believe in India with forced migrations - here is a humble translation of the song/rap - the video comes with a preamble from the performer describing his travels in the towns and ports of the country.
To my ears these are artists becoming warrior-animals howling, these are gardens of my frequenting and frequencies.
the rapper backed by a band of Conservatorium-gravitas caused a riot in the theatre of this International song festival - I would like to translate that rap because it is incendiary poetics fuelled by the destruction of Patagonia by the current Neo-Con government for what has been exposed as false economic bottom-line analysis and reportage - multiple bottom lines. The era of smartphones and internet now stops the Chilean President, also major Media Mogul and the major shareholder of LAN airlines, creating media red herrings.
CALD is imho great and useful for governmental governance when used correctly - as community members who affirm social distributive capital. Yet socially preferable to me is a holistic appreciation of diversity from cybernetic and second level order cybernetics as anthropologist Gregory Bateson described, that's my personal sociology.
The value here is not the j'accuse of classical European discourse but of non-equal diversities - uniqueness in ecology being the grounds of science and community. A social inclusionism around that!
A reminder for a sociological awareness of the struggle to be de-orientalised. Sad militancy is common esp in the margins. Dems de breaks sometimes and monumental movements like jazz would not have happened without that. I have gone through such struggles Rajiv.
Anger is also part of Universal production - to be inculcated in the system. Seeking commonalities developing productive differences - community specific if needs be. Walls are good for studios, libraries and other positive giftings of Equined Cultures (European and Asian)
The being bi-lingual and approaching the roots of Romance and Germanic language allows for etymological unity and difference. The differences are funny in imperfect cognates and sometimes very telling from my perspective - one can read too much into it - but if I follow Chomskyian linguistics - positing a deep linguistics then one reads the world and all its glory and strife from imperfect cognates. Here is an example - the word Male in English - the imperfect cognate in French male means "evil" - surface and depth linguistics - it is comical and I am reminded very much of Fawlty Towers.
The din of conflict is too much for many except for the anarchist strain, french poststructarilists (NOT postmodernists), inhabitance sociologists, biosemiotics and rigorous hybrid sciences.
I keep my anchor points and references to respected academic authority strong - or else it is all piss and wind, fancy and sickening violins of orientalisation and the victims of orientalisation.
My goal? An individual and community goal of communication and practice - to speak generally and be wise to correction -- not correctional facilities - jail hospital university church.
Post scriptum - in the face of increasing neo-conservative insults to the commons and environmental vandalisms in the US Europe Middle East Latin American and I now believe in India with forced migrations - here is a humble translation of the song/rap - the video comes with a preamble from the performer describing his travels in the towns and ports of the country.
To my ears these are artists becoming warrior-animals howling, these are gardens of my frequenting and frequencies.
Monday, September 12, 2011
more tags
The cellular biology of nominal value
the biological interaction with the market place
monetary theory
a paper Nietzsche Biology and Metaphor -
happy about that.
Model - Positing an epigenetic evolution via an ecology of adult neurogenesis, discrete modeling of time and autopoiesis - thank you Amaris! The ecology of metaphor - old metaphors never die they become living models. when a metaphor becomes literal it dies - the moon is a ghostly galleon - the autochtonous history of Latin America suggest a reticular filter for the invisible. When Columbus arrived on the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria no indians could see them - except the shamen.
I was on the street today and some highschool boys were talking "you wouldn't have seen it if I didn't tell you" "I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't know what it was" "huh, you didn't know - why would that stop you?" - i found the straight talking great!
curatorial ideas from the Bourriaud challenge - the meaning of time is it inhabits Bourdieu's Infinity Factory.
the biological interaction with the market place
monetary theory
a paper Nietzsche Biology and Metaphor -
happy about that.
Model - Positing an epigenetic evolution via an ecology of adult neurogenesis, discrete modeling of time and autopoiesis - thank you Amaris! The ecology of metaphor - old metaphors never die they become living models. when a metaphor becomes literal it dies - the moon is a ghostly galleon - the autochtonous history of Latin America suggest a reticular filter for the invisible. When Columbus arrived on the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria no indians could see them - except the shamen.
I was on the street today and some highschool boys were talking "you wouldn't have seen it if I didn't tell you" "I didn't wanna say anything because I didn't know what it was" "huh, you didn't know - why would that stop you?" - i found the straight talking great!
curatorial ideas from the Bourriaud challenge - the meaning of time is it inhabits Bourdieu's Infinity Factory.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Ecology of Metaphor
"Poetry is the language of Biology" - Gregory Bateson
Autopoeisis - the cells that create themselves - Maturana and Biology.
"All metaphors begin alive, being literal" AARP 2009
Autopoeisis - the cells that create themselves - Maturana and Biology.
"All metaphors begin alive, being literal" AARP 2009
Saturday, September 10, 2011
tags research interests
The terrestrial biome and the anemophily of social change - 2011 civil riots by seed, by animal, by waves.
the importance of flows - going with, counterflows/eddies, freshets and celestial bliss (aurora) - counterflows create beauty - some may disbelieve - the sun creates aurorae on earth - from the sun's core supermassive countermagnetic forces radiate from the core creating immense solar flares and storms - that supermass of magnetic energy reaches the earth's magnetic field and creates aurorae - which are beautiful - unless you live near the poles - in which then - they are everyday prettinesses.
(elastic magnetosphere - magnetic reconnection) (further doubts? - talk to NASA)
So this effects economics
and as well, human health - physical and psychological.
the atmospheric and spatial events
discrete excitation of molecules in the magnetosphere and the specificity of the aurora
the anemophily of molecular drift
television is human made aurora
and point made to the layperson :)
and the garden of my frequencies/ frequentings nice blog of someone's some music free i think
the importance of flows - going with, counterflows/eddies, freshets and celestial bliss (aurora) - counterflows create beauty - some may disbelieve - the sun creates aurorae on earth - from the sun's core supermassive countermagnetic forces radiate from the core creating immense solar flares and storms - that supermass of magnetic energy reaches the earth's magnetic field and creates aurorae - which are beautiful - unless you live near the poles - in which then - they are everyday prettinesses.
(elastic magnetosphere - magnetic reconnection) (further doubts? - talk to NASA)
So this effects economics
and as well, human health - physical and psychological.
the atmospheric and spatial events
discrete excitation of molecules in the magnetosphere and the specificity of the aurora
the anemophily of molecular drift
television is human made aurora
and point made to the layperson :)
and the garden of my frequencies/ frequentings nice blog of someone's some music free i think
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Themed show - Customs
Here is a curatorial idea - a show for the consideration of your artists.
Working title - "Customs"
Academic background from Pierre Bourdieu and his notion of habitus (one's habits and daily environments where one plys them) and further works.
Customs as the border at national entry - passports, anything to declare, quarantine and illegal flora and fauna (incl people smuggling)
Customs as traditions - personal customs/habit (issues of repetition, ennui, addiction, grooming, OCD, for example) cultural customs (the orientalisation of food fairs, ethnic dancing and personas, cultural profiling)
The one thing that can be connected in these notions of customs is how they relate to each other in terms of multicultural inhabitance, hybridity, and revolution degree zero the curator terms as "the milkweed seed revolution" we are seeing now from the middle east to the mediterranean, and greater europe - all with markedly different agenda and representations -
that flora, dusts, messages digital cross over - a border aesthetic of hybridity - in terms of personal/social consciousness and conscience - of ecos - of tensions between ecology and economy - personal social national - the taxonomies of classical discourse - the border crossings here.
(sometimes I feel like downgrading all my citizenships to permanent residencies - and keeping my passports, with nothing to admit and nothing to declare)
Working title - "Customs"
Academic background from Pierre Bourdieu and his notion of habitus (one's habits and daily environments where one plys them) and further works.
Customs as the border at national entry - passports, anything to declare, quarantine and illegal flora and fauna (incl people smuggling)
Customs as traditions - personal customs/habit (issues of repetition, ennui, addiction, grooming, OCD, for example) cultural customs (the orientalisation of food fairs, ethnic dancing and personas, cultural profiling)
The one thing that can be connected in these notions of customs is how they relate to each other in terms of multicultural inhabitance, hybridity, and revolution degree zero the curator terms as "the milkweed seed revolution" we are seeing now from the middle east to the mediterranean, and greater europe - all with markedly different agenda and representations -
that flora, dusts, messages digital cross over - a border aesthetic of hybridity - in terms of personal/social consciousness and conscience - of ecos - of tensions between ecology and economy - personal social national - the taxonomies of classical discourse - the border crossings here.
(sometimes I feel like downgrading all my citizenships to permanent residencies - and keeping my passports, with nothing to admit and nothing to declare)
The Field of Cultural Production - Cartels and Cartons
The tribes of Essenes who took hallucinogenic mushrooms - the Aegean tales of smoking cannabis - the Pharoahnic orders of priests who developed beer - the liquers of Monasteries - the spirits of the New World (bourbon, rum and coca-cola).
And the yields and crops of the Field of Cultural Production. As a resident goat, who lost a rifle and found the short-cut in Pan's Labyrinth video game - I navigate haphazardly, as someone on a ghost ship of shipwreck - newly fragmented by the whipping seas and the sensitivities to profiling.
Profiling - in the case of OJ Simpson I recall David Letterman made a joke about OJ's biography "From Zero to Hero to Shapiro" - Judge Shapiro of the US Courts. And humour comes at a death of an emotion, and in most cases from death itself - the ones that make it to the media.
No better thing than shoot-em-ups - dramatic or reported - all filters at all times.
I will keep the holster well buttoned.
Profiling - most decent human beings have been profiled, and probably not to their complete liking. The copyrighting of one's image can no longer be faithful today. That person though is a member of a community - does one apply the media filter to the person who one works with?
"Support the artist that supports you" - James Ryan winner of the Australian Jazz Bell Awards 2011 Cross-Disciplinary category.
Having worked in the music industry as a support professional - with CV in hand and having done things in other fields that if it equated their audience in terms of numbers - well,
"Support the professional that supports you" - AARP 2009
Of course, all within the budget of the artist - separate business from pleasure. And I put my professional buskers hat here. Audience development and show the professional some love - this one is not an artist by living but has the same povertous jacket and history of chemical brothers and sisters.
Further in terms of music - the notion of "accelerated culture" - taking antecedence from the creation of amphetamines and then the use of them in counter culture, rave culture and just culture in general - is a beautiful brimming cup and in what cupboard are they...we will find out. The few that I know that I have made disclosures to, but are not personal friends - well, they are the cellars, distributors of such notions.
And the yields and crops of the Field of Cultural Production. As a resident goat, who lost a rifle and found the short-cut in Pan's Labyrinth video game - I navigate haphazardly, as someone on a ghost ship of shipwreck - newly fragmented by the whipping seas and the sensitivities to profiling.
Profiling - in the case of OJ Simpson I recall David Letterman made a joke about OJ's biography "From Zero to Hero to Shapiro" - Judge Shapiro of the US Courts. And humour comes at a death of an emotion, and in most cases from death itself - the ones that make it to the media.
No better thing than shoot-em-ups - dramatic or reported - all filters at all times.
I will keep the holster well buttoned.
Profiling - most decent human beings have been profiled, and probably not to their complete liking. The copyrighting of one's image can no longer be faithful today. That person though is a member of a community - does one apply the media filter to the person who one works with?
"Support the artist that supports you" - James Ryan winner of the Australian Jazz Bell Awards 2011 Cross-Disciplinary category.
Having worked in the music industry as a support professional - with CV in hand and having done things in other fields that if it equated their audience in terms of numbers - well,
"Support the professional that supports you" - AARP 2009
Of course, all within the budget of the artist - separate business from pleasure. And I put my professional buskers hat here. Audience development and show the professional some love - this one is not an artist by living but has the same povertous jacket and history of chemical brothers and sisters.
Further in terms of music - the notion of "accelerated culture" - taking antecedence from the creation of amphetamines and then the use of them in counter culture, rave culture and just culture in general - is a beautiful brimming cup and in what cupboard are they...we will find out. The few that I know that I have made disclosures to, but are not personal friends - well, they are the cellars, distributors of such notions.
Friday, August 26, 2011
‛This precious stone set in the silver sea ...’: Literal and figurative references to jewelry in the plays of William Shakespeare - DeepDyve
‛This precious stone set in the silver sea ...’: Literal and figurative references to jewelry in the plays of William Shakespeare - DeepDyve
on the search for "semiome" and ecosemiotic work that incorporates the terrestrial biome not only Kingdom Animal and Kingdom Plant - but rocks stones geographies to climates - this time the view is on the jewel references in Shakespeare and if not in art. The jewels inside a fish - an image I recall from a movie of the early 80s. The lyric of Bliss n Eso's song "Destiny Lane" - i hold this black pearl through this world's perfect storm"
actor-network and animalism? metal rock and network. energy from electricity - and a becoming-weather - becoming-microclimate.
full fathom five and the philosopher's stone - alchemy to make gold.
The amount of gold (the classical currency standard in free market commodified economies) that has and will ever be produced on this planet is equal to 3 olympic swimming pools -- ahh El Dorado and Montezuma's Revenge... and the revenge of La Malinche
(warning - academia and language R rated)
on the search for "semiome" and ecosemiotic work that incorporates the terrestrial biome not only Kingdom Animal and Kingdom Plant - but rocks stones geographies to climates - this time the view is on the jewel references in Shakespeare and if not in art. The jewels inside a fish - an image I recall from a movie of the early 80s. The lyric of Bliss n Eso's song "Destiny Lane" - i hold this black pearl through this world's perfect storm"
actor-network and animalism? metal rock and network. energy from electricity - and a becoming-weather - becoming-microclimate.
full fathom five and the philosopher's stone - alchemy to make gold.
The amount of gold (the classical currency standard in free market commodified economies) that has and will ever be produced on this planet is equal to 3 olympic swimming pools -- ahh El Dorado and Montezuma's Revenge... and the revenge of La Malinche
(warning - academia and language R rated)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Notes on the timespace of music'snoise.htm
apply the altermodern re-evaluation to music - timespace is a flip of spacetime - a Kantianism. Neo-Kantianism.
The "recant", the remusicology. - Richard Toop reader at the Conservatorium,
to musicalise this ReKantianiasm of timespace - segues from indigenous "dreamtime"
music without space - semipermeable monadologies of the city of the secular. aka the quantum "soup" - internal worlds (weathers) intermingling and affecting ecos (ecology and economy?)
weathertime - clocks and weathervanes
apply the altermodern re-evaluation to music - timespace is a flip of spacetime - a Kantianism. Neo-Kantianism.
The "recant", the remusicology. - Richard Toop reader at the Conservatorium,
to musicalise this ReKantianiasm of timespace - segues from indigenous "dreamtime"
music without space - semipermeable monadologies of the city of the secular. aka the quantum "soup" - internal worlds (weathers) intermingling and affecting ecos (ecology and economy?)
weathertime - clocks and weathervanes
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Stormy links
shortly afterwards
the music of the sphere and the birdsong returned: the ritornello
shortly afterwards
the music of the sphere and the birdsong returned: the ritornello
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Time is the last place
As Werner Herzog noted in an interview about inhuman or rarely explored place, the language surrounding it can be dangerous. Embracing the rarely inhabitable place as a condiment in the spice rack brings new sensations - johnny cash had a song of caution around this
I will play one chord of the altermodern "Time is the last place [to explore]"
A chanson of Bergson, separating Space and Time - in global science this lost out to Kant and ultimately Einstein nailed Time as a separate region with in a funerary Tardis.
Yes the elasticity of experienced time - duree. It is the sense of duration of time. What is time without duration except another space? It is the fabric. As space has so many ascriptions to it. first of affect, then surface, solidities and it mutates into an eternal production line. Spacetime.
I picked up snippets of Bergson's duree from text and long conversations with friends that seemed like hours then, and was approximately so, and now I remember them vividly as approximately so. The joke here is that yes a poetic sliderule can be used. Poetry for poetry's sake though, is obsessive. Try something different for a change of habit.
Bourriaud then is like all good frenchmen, duelling dullly with Germans. Timespace. To accord respect to altermodernity then. Bergson smiling shadow is given light.
How do we, can we sense the space of Time? That is another article. Changing the order of semipermeable taxonomic terms yields different results and different investigations. Quo - temporalising space yields different results. In subjectivity, and human production. The temporalizing of the human.
An old wives tale says that rosemary is good for memory. So as the experimenter, I walked and smelled the rosemary bushes as the aromas travelled to me, with an immediacy that endured rains, storms, worms and summer. I took a small bag of rosemary home and smelt it, took it in, intoxicated by smell, a drunkenness of days - for a about 5 minutes in the morning for a week. Did I remember anything?
I walked to work and past a greenhouse. I looked and the sun glinted off the windows into my eyes. I suddenly smelt rosemary. For a split second, - the recollection of that stayed with me for days - my vision went black and everything of me was transported back home with my face in the small bag of rosemary. A second later, I regained presence, and kept walking. One of the most amazing experiences of my life. I remember it now, this happened in 2009 and the memory came to me today. Memory in this experience, if memory is a metaphor, became literal. It was time travel not of memory as senses but as total body to place of presence. Time travel to a past space in chronology. This opens the experience to non-linear travels.
The life of time are different curves and waves and colours, a map of various, intermittent landscapes, hills reappearing but changed as hills change in seasons, weathers and plantations. Really, Julie Andrews as Sister Maria in The Sound of Music? Belief matters not. But there are bears, raccoons, antelope, and other Austrian beasties, like Moose in them hills. The hills are alive with music, but let's not get too belle epoque convent-girlies, well, there are rabbits and kittens and foxes tied up in thick string too. Crickets, and wind in trees and aeroplanes in friendly skies - that is all music.
Earth Art was of a time and the music from it. I heard stories of earth art musicians digging holes and connecting tensioned wires to sturdy trees and creating sound frequencies, akin to plucking harp strings with the hole dug as the resonance board. Cannot find references yet. People visualise memory, Proust made memory tactile and olfactory. (Tripping on the break in the footpath jogged memories and of course, the aroma of perfumes and rosemary.) Hearing your memories, not just recollecting conversations, but hearing time - that is a semipermeable taxonomy that is diagnosed as inappropriate affect in Medicine.
If Proust x Bergson then A la Recherche du Temps Perdu could have been 20 pages. Proust prayed to the patron saint of lost objects, to not accumulate, but recuperate or revisit the Times he found. The Lost Times, well, they probably in the back of his writing chez-lounge.
Timespace. The afterlife is a time and not a place and it exists in the vocabulary of timespace, so do imagined histories like CS Lewis and Tolkein Middle Earths, and Tardises. People inhabit space, spacetime, time, timespace. The afterlife is a literary device, no-one on earth lives there, some people want to get there, by leap or natural causes. If people do live there, they either are in a jail in life, or keeping very very quiet. The previous lives! Please shut up now. It's like hearing your great dream, it is vanity and no-one cares except your girlfriends or so they say.
But pay attention when someone tells you their history, that is at least real, without the frippery of technologies, successes or limits of understanding.
I will play one chord of the altermodern "Time is the last place [to explore]"
A chanson of Bergson, separating Space and Time - in global science this lost out to Kant and ultimately Einstein nailed Time as a separate region with in a funerary Tardis.
Yes the elasticity of experienced time - duree. It is the sense of duration of time. What is time without duration except another space? It is the fabric. As space has so many ascriptions to it. first of affect, then surface, solidities and it mutates into an eternal production line. Spacetime.
I picked up snippets of Bergson's duree from text and long conversations with friends that seemed like hours then, and was approximately so, and now I remember them vividly as approximately so. The joke here is that yes a poetic sliderule can be used. Poetry for poetry's sake though, is obsessive. Try something different for a change of habit.
Bourriaud then is like all good frenchmen, duelling dullly with Germans. Timespace. To accord respect to altermodernity then. Bergson smiling shadow is given light.
How do we, can we sense the space of Time? That is another article. Changing the order of semipermeable taxonomic terms yields different results and different investigations. Quo - temporalising space yields different results. In subjectivity, and human production. The temporalizing of the human.
An old wives tale says that rosemary is good for memory. So as the experimenter, I walked and smelled the rosemary bushes as the aromas travelled to me, with an immediacy that endured rains, storms, worms and summer. I took a small bag of rosemary home and smelt it, took it in, intoxicated by smell, a drunkenness of days - for a about 5 minutes in the morning for a week. Did I remember anything?
I walked to work and past a greenhouse. I looked and the sun glinted off the windows into my eyes. I suddenly smelt rosemary. For a split second, - the recollection of that stayed with me for days - my vision went black and everything of me was transported back home with my face in the small bag of rosemary. A second later, I regained presence, and kept walking. One of the most amazing experiences of my life. I remember it now, this happened in 2009 and the memory came to me today. Memory in this experience, if memory is a metaphor, became literal. It was time travel not of memory as senses but as total body to place of presence. Time travel to a past space in chronology. This opens the experience to non-linear travels.
The life of time are different curves and waves and colours, a map of various, intermittent landscapes, hills reappearing but changed as hills change in seasons, weathers and plantations. Really, Julie Andrews as Sister Maria in The Sound of Music? Belief matters not. But there are bears, raccoons, antelope, and other Austrian beasties, like Moose in them hills. The hills are alive with music, but let's not get too belle epoque convent-girlies, well, there are rabbits and kittens and foxes tied up in thick string too. Crickets, and wind in trees and aeroplanes in friendly skies - that is all music.
Earth Art was of a time and the music from it. I heard stories of earth art musicians digging holes and connecting tensioned wires to sturdy trees and creating sound frequencies, akin to plucking harp strings with the hole dug as the resonance board. Cannot find references yet. People visualise memory, Proust made memory tactile and olfactory. (Tripping on the break in the footpath jogged memories and of course, the aroma of perfumes and rosemary.) Hearing your memories, not just recollecting conversations, but hearing time - that is a semipermeable taxonomy that is diagnosed as inappropriate affect in Medicine.
If Proust x Bergson then A la Recherche du Temps Perdu could have been 20 pages. Proust prayed to the patron saint of lost objects, to not accumulate, but recuperate or revisit the Times he found. The Lost Times, well, they probably in the back of his writing chez-lounge.
Timespace. The afterlife is a time and not a place and it exists in the vocabulary of timespace, so do imagined histories like CS Lewis and Tolkein Middle Earths, and Tardises. People inhabit space, spacetime, time, timespace. The afterlife is a literary device, no-one on earth lives there, some people want to get there, by leap or natural causes. If people do live there, they either are in a jail in life, or keeping very very quiet. The previous lives! Please shut up now. It's like hearing your great dream, it is vanity and no-one cares except your girlfriends or so they say.
But pay attention when someone tells you their history, that is at least real, without the frippery of technologies, successes or limits of understanding.
Anglo-Australian culture and mimesis
"You can tell a lot about a culture in the way they rhapsodize about their horses" - a corruption of a Mahatma Gandhi meat is murder quote.
There was movement at the station as the news had got around that the cold from Old Regret had got away...
The Man from Snowy River, The Song of Roland, Don Quixote, Equus, ...
and then there are the cultures that don't have horses.
Horses for courses. - In Anglo-Australian culture, the pasts of racism, the Black History, Empires of Eternal Sun, there are places of mass murder - and fair enough, they happen everywhere in colonisation, when they become part of the curriculum or of a nation's culture. I wonder if later high school they teach Australian History of Colonial Wars and Massacres. The mirror back is not nice, and thus the general anti-intellectualism of Anglo Australia. But they Anglo-Australia can tell a joke and mimick. I would celebrate this, the rough, and politically incorrect comedy of Rodney Rude and Kevin "Bloody" Wilson. If you turn the volume down, you hear nothing.
Come Fly With Me from the Little Britain comedians, has a skit with a racist Airport Internal Security Officer, questioning a new staff member of an airport shop.
"Where were you born? Pakistan??"
"No, Birmingham!"
"What about your parents??"
"Um Birmingham"
"Okay, your grandparents?"
"Yeah, Pakistan"
"So, if England played Pakistan in the cricket, who would you support?"
"I don't follow cricket, I like Wrestling!"
and the satirised contemporary security interrogation is scuttled and funny. It is mimesis - satirising racist mimickry and being self-reflective about it. This self-reflection is an ethical admission and that's why politically correct English can handle this comedy. - It is a re-embodied mimickry and will be Benny Hill in 10 years. Maybe why Benny Hill was loved by the French after leaving the UK might be something for you to consider.
Non-English listening Pakistani immigrants would just see interrogation. Potentially confusing, no? Present this surface reading to the self-reflective chortling socialist, they may worry and get the guilts again. Any comedy where you can turn they volume off and not see ostracisation is politically correct. The three stooges though are guys from the same culture - volume on or off, it's the same thing really. It's an artless physical humour working off schadenfreud. Schadenfreud and the goat - the best schadenfreud is when the misfortunate other is a cause of great misfortune themselves aka poetic justice - as if Hitler were the scapegoat. Michael Palin rhapsodized over Chile and Argentina for a reason.....he learnt the secret bound by death. He would have been killed on the spot but for his continuing global humanitarian services to the humours.
The white Australian comedy of mimickry as opposed to mimesis, is swell of Anglo-Australian culture. There is no groundswell though, unless if Anglo Australian culture is the culture of prison. A culture of dismissing, not the herd mentality of mimesis, but the undomesticated brumby packs of mimickry. In European modernity, mimesis is cautious of herd-mentality. Mimickry is environmental, not individual, the coo-ee needs the response. If you don't fit in easily, learn mimickry, respect the Austrlian accent, which is so culturally and internationally fragile in a global politics which works on sophisticated mimetic exchange. Anglo-Australians who realise that power in politics or culture where mimesis is the lingua franca - have got to come across to a wild mimesis. Mimickry is funny and scapegoating. Watch the goats, they can consume anything, live in all lands. It is an ordinariness of living.
Sometimes cunts can be like this.
Mimesis is political and can be shot up, shot across, or shot down.
Mimickry is the kookaburra, is Rodney Rude's theory of how Vietnamese names came around. The Cronulla Riots was a cultural groundswell and is part of the mutation of Australian Multiculture as the ground.
Assimilation assumes one culture and conforming to this. Conforming to National Laws though I have no issue with.
Multiculturalism is damned. Multiculturalism is totally fucked. That is why it's the best, because it reflects what Australia has been since the end of World War II. Love the fuckedness. I speak as a wog though. The aboriginal people will have their own writing on this and I appreciate their general talk of connectedness to everything. It is what the West can't do, from the universal to the particular -- it's a worry for the gubbas. How aboriginal peoples engaged with the arrival of domesticated horses I would love to know.
Social Worker talk of "mainstreaming" gave Governments and institution a kudos of contemporary discourse which is in no way deserved or accurate, at all.
Fuck the social worker acronyms - CALD - Culturally and Linguistic Diverse. It's a funny and inappropriate word - because using only two terms as the focus of diversity in society is a malapropism. They are keeping their eyes on social diversity - all two of them.
Mimickry is earthly and earthy. Mimesis is earthly and domesticated. Come clean white feller, on the global political stage there are much smaller and less resource rich third world countries that have more political clout than Australia. Barry Humphries was good enough to coin a cultural cringe. In the Australian culture, there are many types of this. Thissy here is a fringe cringe.
Sydney is the greatest city in the World - Oprah 2010.
Wait for the horses to trample - horses for flat courses, brumbies for mountains
There was movement at the station as the news had got around that the cold from Old Regret had got away...
The Man from Snowy River, The Song of Roland, Don Quixote, Equus, ...
and then there are the cultures that don't have horses.
Horses for courses. - In Anglo-Australian culture, the pasts of racism, the Black History, Empires of Eternal Sun, there are places of mass murder - and fair enough, they happen everywhere in colonisation, when they become part of the curriculum or of a nation's culture. I wonder if later high school they teach Australian History of Colonial Wars and Massacres. The mirror back is not nice, and thus the general anti-intellectualism of Anglo Australia. But they Anglo-Australia can tell a joke and mimick. I would celebrate this, the rough, and politically incorrect comedy of Rodney Rude and Kevin "Bloody" Wilson. If you turn the volume down, you hear nothing.
Come Fly With Me from the Little Britain comedians, has a skit with a racist Airport Internal Security Officer, questioning a new staff member of an airport shop.
"Where were you born? Pakistan??"
"No, Birmingham!"
"What about your parents??"
"Um Birmingham"
"Okay, your grandparents?"
"Yeah, Pakistan"
"So, if England played Pakistan in the cricket, who would you support?"
"I don't follow cricket, I like Wrestling!"
and the satirised contemporary security interrogation is scuttled and funny. It is mimesis - satirising racist mimickry and being self-reflective about it. This self-reflection is an ethical admission and that's why politically correct English can handle this comedy. - It is a re-embodied mimickry and will be Benny Hill in 10 years. Maybe why Benny Hill was loved by the French after leaving the UK might be something for you to consider.
Non-English listening Pakistani immigrants would just see interrogation. Potentially confusing, no? Present this surface reading to the self-reflective chortling socialist, they may worry and get the guilts again. Any comedy where you can turn they volume off and not see ostracisation is politically correct. The three stooges though are guys from the same culture - volume on or off, it's the same thing really. It's an artless physical humour working off schadenfreud. Schadenfreud and the goat - the best schadenfreud is when the misfortunate other is a cause of great misfortune themselves aka poetic justice - as if Hitler were the scapegoat. Michael Palin rhapsodized over Chile and Argentina for a reason.....he learnt the secret bound by death. He would have been killed on the spot but for his continuing global humanitarian services to the humours.
The white Australian comedy of mimickry as opposed to mimesis, is swell of Anglo-Australian culture. There is no groundswell though, unless if Anglo Australian culture is the culture of prison. A culture of dismissing, not the herd mentality of mimesis, but the undomesticated brumby packs of mimickry. In European modernity, mimesis is cautious of herd-mentality. Mimickry is environmental, not individual, the coo-ee needs the response. If you don't fit in easily, learn mimickry, respect the Austrlian accent, which is so culturally and internationally fragile in a global politics which works on sophisticated mimetic exchange. Anglo-Australians who realise that power in politics or culture where mimesis is the lingua franca - have got to come across to a wild mimesis. Mimickry is funny and scapegoating. Watch the goats, they can consume anything, live in all lands. It is an ordinariness of living.
Sometimes cunts can be like this.
Mimesis is political and can be shot up, shot across, or shot down.
Mimickry is the kookaburra, is Rodney Rude's theory of how Vietnamese names came around. The Cronulla Riots was a cultural groundswell and is part of the mutation of Australian Multiculture as the ground.
Assimilation assumes one culture and conforming to this. Conforming to National Laws though I have no issue with.
Multiculturalism is damned. Multiculturalism is totally fucked. That is why it's the best, because it reflects what Australia has been since the end of World War II. Love the fuckedness. I speak as a wog though. The aboriginal people will have their own writing on this and I appreciate their general talk of connectedness to everything. It is what the West can't do, from the universal to the particular -- it's a worry for the gubbas. How aboriginal peoples engaged with the arrival of domesticated horses I would love to know.
Social Worker talk of "mainstreaming" gave Governments and institution a kudos of contemporary discourse which is in no way deserved or accurate, at all.
Fuck the social worker acronyms - CALD - Culturally and Linguistic Diverse. It's a funny and inappropriate word - because using only two terms as the focus of diversity in society is a malapropism. They are keeping their eyes on social diversity - all two of them.
Mimickry is earthly and earthy. Mimesis is earthly and domesticated. Come clean white feller, on the global political stage there are much smaller and less resource rich third world countries that have more political clout than Australia. Barry Humphries was good enough to coin a cultural cringe. In the Australian culture, there are many types of this. Thissy here is a fringe cringe.
Sydney is the greatest city in the World - Oprah 2010.
Wait for the horses to trample - horses for flat courses, brumbies for mountains
Saturday, June 4, 2011
"Yet I show that, from an epistemological point of view, habitus theory is not deterministic. Bourdieu’s treatment of this concept implies at least three principles that exclude determinism: (1) the production of an infinite number of behaviors from a limited number of principles, (2) permanent mutation, and (3) the intensive and extensive limits of sociological understanding. After identifying and describing these principles, I show the reason for their incompatibility with a deterministic perspective and consider their implications for the corresponding model of action."
Habitus, Psychology, and Ethnography: Introduction to the Special Section Theory & Psychology December 2009 19: 707-711, Mathieu Hilgers
Here goes,
habitus in this writing, is principled, theoretic, a productivity is modeled to create infinity and spanning denoted zones (inside/outside)
the notion of inhabitance from me, As the above quote from Neruda presents, it is an intention for hybridity as making a Chilean salad. Pablo Neruda wrote a book "Elemental Odes" where odes to various things elemental like rocks ("certain rocks" as his turn of phrase happenstance), tomatoes, ("dressing the salads of Chile") , a pair of socks, - they are everday - poetry for him is to make the everyday esteemed, and celebrated with wine. The mediterranean style celebration.
t's celebration not like potlatch when it became political by becoming destructive of "wealth" products in the ceremonial exchange, - especially when Western Industrial products, like furs, books, and other assorted consumer items were burnt and was deemed illegal for 70 years. This is not the disordered "word salads" of medical symptamotology. It's an old term.
The Chilean celebration is the asado, the barbie, salads, dancing, wine, music, dirty songs, teasings and jokes - traditionally. Chilean male to male, and female to male, is by jokes and teasings. Any Chilean or anyone with that heritage and connected to the tradition knows this by heart and exchange. Distinctively, the celebration is immediate "ya empezo el hueveo" - "now the jokes have started". To bring you along, when Chilean good friends meet and embrace, men usually, commonly they would start - heeeey, fatso haven't seen you for ages! - yeah baldy, how you been? "ya empezo el hueveo" as you could read, if there is no acquaintance or the friends are estranged, it can usher on physical fights, ugly, because there is no native or national martial art from the land - just warriorhood from the sovereign indigeneous nations- but that's another story. Watch out for cutting implements at the salad table - just a rule of thumb.
I will push slowly now. I sensed that I "look" at landscapes, I look at the lay of the land of discourse, and mix up the taxonomies, like a salad. I am in discussion with an economist regarding psychopathological labels of global economics and credit agencies (Moodys - Standard and Poors), he let go a raft of the metaphors of economics. Besides the manic depressive nature of global economics as was pointed by Alan Greenspan, Ex-head of the Federal Reserve 2008 - Bear and Bull markets - Keynsian terms, he described as "animal spirits" metaphors. The arbitrariness of money value - that all commerce students know. Pluck Adam Smith's Invisible hand. So I read the metaphors of discourse and then approach from another metaphorical model to mix things up, as the blog quote denots.
So I read things, poeticaly - metaphors, and then mix the taxonmies with other metaphors culinary wise, or like a highschool chemistry lab experiment. Throwing models together through semipermeable taxonomies - the blog title itself borrows from biologies - cellular biology and classificational biology. Solanum lycopersicum with a small percentage of sodium chloride it is good for the anatimo.
As I am want to look for the point of entry through these surfaces - It is visual as poking and probing - but the Simpson Aliens had exhausted all research possibilites.
Have I seen what I looked at, or did I look at what I saw - Hart Crane
So I explore other senses - searching for intensive or extensive limits - hearing, tactile. And traveled on landscapes with those. Much has been made of traveling in nomadology.
Habitus as percieved by the senses - what ever mode of sense (say visuality) and submode (surveying, readerly) - which ever sense or way of that sense -is habitus as perception.
If Robert Anton Wilson wanted to remove the word "is" to open up perception from ascription. I would like to remove the word "as". So that immediacy, and it's ascription of time as distance (it's nearly 8oclock, "I should go home soon" - can be mutated to the term "inhabitance" - playing with the senses, in ways semipermeable, like discursive synaesthesia, or celebration. Latin American "asados", salads and chimichurri, pebre (great home made green and red liquid mix of medium chilli, but liquid, not Tex Mex or even Mexican salsa. - I know not yet how to do this marvel) - a friend's mother calls it "pasta base" - freebase sauce - oh Gloria you are wicked hahaha.
The mix of the chimicurri is not Latin American but South American - damn, is there an Oda al Chimichurri , Versos al Pebre? I am sure there is, maybe not in Neruda's work but I will check a major selector, "Pablo Neruda is my homeboy" - the first facebook Neruda group I joined - I looked at it in the mix, hybrid way - I now taste the fine chimichurri,- hang with the cross-cultural homies - yes. Inhabitance - so many great works by Neruda, and the uses of inhabitance is his joy - "Residency on Earth", Canto General (General Song), The Captain's Verses, Winter Garden, and his first publication and culturally embed is "20 songs of love and a song of desperation" - everyone in that country knows it, damn I speak English and I know it.
Inhabitance - taking up the modes, navigating the Chilean Archipelago through open submodes, rocky submodes (paranoia, inattentiveness, unfeeling, frostbited for examples). Vast submodes - visionary, cosmic, universal, global) (submodes of mobility - travel, nomadology, sedentary, acrobatic, flexible, contortionist) and the chapters of hands. In the Chilean Archipelago, you will find Robinson Crusoe Island, where the real-life person ascribed in th novel was shipwrecked. Easter Island....I would not go there - get lost in the subterranean cities, those Moai. Bah! Chiloe and its traditions - a magic place.
mix them up - the infinity factor comes in - I believe there has been calculation of submodes and then the mix of these (paranoid vision, inattentive cosmic unfeeling universal ---)_ these are unproductive modes Productive modes are inhabitances, obviously. And fun. And the complexity of productive modes, submodes and these mixes, and then mixed the with the same in the anti productive and and the same in unproductive - is the soup we are made of. Autochtonous, a common word in Castillian, not so English....Primordial? Leave that to Carl Sagan and Mel Brooks. Discursive, metaphorical, inhabited soups? hahahah is there an Ode to the Soup du Jour? My father recalled a handful of times in his life something an acquaintance said to him in old 1950s Chile "no mucho sopa para la cabeza" - not too much soup for the head. Yes the cryptic shit my dad uttered - a Winey Shatner as therapeutic homilies. Must have been a soup glut one year in the obsession of the underclass home made cook books...
To produce modals, submodals and mix them up has been done in cybernetics as linguistics, anthropology, psychology, and my preferences. Read the snippet again. Un abrazo calido - warm embrace. The farewell to go home, abrazos (hugs) to sign off familial and friendly emails. The cut point of Latin cultures. Across people. Embrace and hey be good, take care.
Inhabitance by walking, home life. The dancing there is different - people of certain communities gather at dance halls from kids - to flirties, to slight more flirtiers, to married with prams, to the old happy people. inhabitance
This is not literalisation of metaphors, but the swimming in them, passing through them, don't fucken play El Condor Pasa, just fucken don't! hahahah ya empezo el hueveo! Inhabiting metaphors. Nietzsche mentioned mobile metaphors in his powerful work "On Truth and Lie in the Amoral Sense". That metaphors move.
I think the tightrope scene in Zarathustra currently that this is a homily - caution, nimbleness as virtues or anti-Lutheran preaching don't take the narrow path, take many paths or wider, safer, more scenic, warm, sensual and interesting paths.
I am reminded of Dauno Martinez, Sydney based bass player and the nicest badass you would really like to meet, hear and smile with. The virtuosity, yes, the poetics from the virtuosity, yes, the stratosphere, yes, the bottom end to make a groove rhythm inhabiting different altitudes, grounds, environments, poetics of his electric pedal use to make the mixes - wonderful, the ability to respect the genre, that is there.
(youtube of dauno martinez doing this stuff.)
Borges said that the history of the world can be drawn back to a few metaphors. He had a unique originariness. Back to the original few "walls" - which Cortazar played with in his opening story of Bestiary - where a tenant inhabits a new house. And someone in that house is making walls, more walls, until the protagonist is walled out of his house.
Neruda liked Borges but found him dreary - not much to work with. Borges criticised Neruda as a rightwinger - Borges turned blind in more ways than one...could only see really really large print towards the twilight of his life. They are not books of sand which is a a impermeable surface of eternity and specificity - his inhabitance was a handful of XL letters.
The eternal mutations of joy. Inhabitance with the senses and their productive antiproductive and unproductive submodes - is affirmed as yes. Infinity is questionable in quants? but the soup du jours are everyday. But have the fish of the day on Wednesday or Thursday. Chilean portsides - the seafood is exquisite. As well as the omni food of Peru. yeah. native herbal curative teas of South America. Yes that's down home. Peyote well, that's there and in the eyes of splendid visionaries who own the world. The master of the a street acquaintance told me of his shamanic beliefs. That is romantic - that is a little nerdy of the hippy hipster chomskian. He was cool sort of, the sweet Aussie nerd proselytizing buddhism and shamanism was Howl sung to the melody of El Condor paso otra vez - the condor flew past his in his irises.
Moving house anxiety. Domestic anxiety of living on my own. Suffering anxiety for hours, but bergsonian hours that fit in my small change jeans pocket. My hands, knees, enviro no fluid cleaning products. Own the dirt. Something is missing. A crackling living domesticity - fragrance of orchids. My own cooking does things to my friends - indirectly sometimes hehehe the comics taunts the "walk of shame" walker. Well, I don't have professional bowels, lucky I don't do that for income. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes gold plated Suri's first number two, and put it up for auction on e-bay. It would have made fiscal paper for the vaults and home kitty
I should get a pet - it is a safeguard.
This will be no way as great as Pablo Neruda's houses, his dinner tables and bars, shoe and butterfly collections. In the manner of the alterlatino academic discussing the world of the gothic forest (readings of European sensibility) - I dunno - level of philosophy?
The french are very interested in houses - what's your house like? Their philosophy is aristocratic, examines structures and it's technics - genealogical and dynastic. The House of Namey, and they flee with ethnography, refuge in anthropology and otherness, alterity, they like you and your house, but they wear no pants in the morning. Nomadology is the footsteps of this dynasty in fruitful activities away from the Palace. Historical studies in Nomad culture document that in medieval city centres of the middle east, political power sharing arrangements - familial based - were practiced - one family ruled for a year, and the other five made an existence in their wanderings.
This was a codified practice of distribution of political power. Nomads explores, wandered, met, but they have a lineage and are waiting for succession. Deleuze and Guattari are orphan dauphins. Nomadology as Deleuze and Guattari, read through postcolonialism, is are footsteps to ascendancy whose traces are transient as sand, stopping at oases, with Xanadu as mirage, shimmering in a delusional distance, of escaped foreign legion soldier Beau Geste - who aint no-one's cop. the uniform of discourse is but surface.
To be kind to phenomoneologist which I don't know anything about really. Phenomenologies should acknowledge from Bourdieu, mutations, the mutation of perception and sense and the inhabitances of these, as mobile phenomenological inhabited mutations.
The English, see-sawing, happy in misery, melancholic with transience of niceness, and that, in pose, that niceness can never return? Talk about the weather, in a strange way, global warming is bringing out an English beam, but civil order and propriety till then. A basis of inclusion to sensibility and exclusion to ignorance of this propriety. Cliched, the rich mixed cultural and political points of London, it is nicey and dicey.
I cue orderly when I am the only person waiting in the line, don't you?
That old cliche is old duffle hat, nostalgia is power though I sense. The pining for the sun never setting is reborn in Little Britain, The Office, and Come Fly with Me. Nostalgia - greek for homesickness - Nostalgia for empire, yes hit that again, it's a feelgood - Come Fly with Me. Yes lunatic. I wonder what non-english listeners think when the comedic volume is turned to zero. Not so funny... but have your day in the sun. I hear you get more nowadays :)
The geneology of Germans, the Aryan pure transplanted in Noveau Germanias in South America. As well as Nazi fugitives. They are the comical scapegoats of Chilean humour. The irony is not lost on the Chileans. Chilean folklore has a secret which I am bound by death not to tell. Truly bastard lands and the Aryan immigrants want purity, noble Aleman? The Nazi fugitive wants sanctuary?
One silly old chilean dad joke - Mr Otto walks up limping terribly wincing in pain. Mr Fritz asks urgently "what's wrong Mr Otto? You look sick!" - "my shoes are 3 sized to small Mr Otto!"
I guess the next alter-chilean story from me is "La Herida Justo y su Canya Mala".
"Yet I show that, from an epistemological point of view, habitus theory is not deterministic. Bourdieu’s treatment of this concept implies at least three principles that exclude determinism: (1) the production of an infinite number of behaviors from a limited number of principles, (2) permanent mutation, and (3) the intensive and extensive limits of sociological understanding. After identifying and describing these principles, I show the reason for their incompatibility with a deterministic perspective and consider their implications for the corresponding model of action."
Habitus, Psychology, and Ethnography: Introduction to the Special Section Theory & Psychology December 2009 19: 707-711, Mathieu Hilgers
Here goes,
habitus in this writing, is principled, theoretic, a productivity is modeled to create infinity and spanning denoted zones (inside/outside)
the notion of inhabitance from me, As the above quote from Neruda presents, it is an intention for hybridity as making a Chilean salad. Pablo Neruda wrote a book "Elemental Odes" where odes to various things elemental like rocks ("certain rocks" as his turn of phrase happenstance), tomatoes, ("dressing the salads of Chile") , a pair of socks, - they are everday - poetry for him is to make the everyday esteemed, and celebrated with wine. The mediterranean style celebration.
t's celebration not like potlatch when it became political by becoming destructive of "wealth" products in the ceremonial exchange, - especially when Western Industrial products, like furs, books, and other assorted consumer items were burnt and was deemed illegal for 70 years. This is not the disordered "word salads" of medical symptamotology. It's an old term.

I will push slowly now. I sensed that I "look" at landscapes, I look at the lay of the land of discourse, and mix up the taxonomies, like a salad. I am in discussion with an economist regarding psychopathological labels of global economics and credit agencies (Moodys - Standard and Poors), he let go a raft of the metaphors of economics. Besides the manic depressive nature of global economics as was pointed by Alan Greenspan, Ex-head of the Federal Reserve 2008 - Bear and Bull markets - Keynsian terms, he described as "animal spirits" metaphors. The arbitrariness of money value - that all commerce students know. Pluck Adam Smith's Invisible hand. So I read the metaphors of discourse and then approach from another metaphorical model to mix things up, as the blog quote denots.
So I read things, poeticaly - metaphors, and then mix the taxonmies with other metaphors culinary wise, or like a highschool chemistry lab experiment. Throwing models together through semipermeable taxonomies - the blog title itself borrows from biologies - cellular biology and classificational biology. Solanum lycopersicum with a small percentage of sodium chloride it is good for the anatimo.
As I am want to look for the point of entry through these surfaces - It is visual as poking and probing - but the Simpson Aliens had exhausted all research possibilites.
Have I seen what I looked at, or did I look at what I saw - Hart Crane
So I explore other senses - searching for intensive or extensive limits - hearing, tactile. And traveled on landscapes with those. Much has been made of traveling in nomadology.
Habitus as percieved by the senses - what ever mode of sense (say visuality) and submode (surveying, readerly) - which ever sense or way of that sense -is habitus as perception.
If Robert Anton Wilson wanted to remove the word "is" to open up perception from ascription. I would like to remove the word "as". So that immediacy, and it's ascription of time as distance (it's nearly 8oclock, "I should go home soon" - can be mutated to the term "inhabitance" - playing with the senses, in ways semipermeable, like discursive synaesthesia, or celebration. Latin American "asados", salads and chimichurri, pebre (great home made green and red liquid mix of medium chilli, but liquid, not Tex Mex or even Mexican salsa. - I know not yet how to do this marvel) - a friend's mother calls it "pasta base" - freebase sauce - oh Gloria you are wicked hahaha.

Inhabitance - taking up the modes, navigating the Chilean Archipelago through open submodes, rocky submodes (paranoia, inattentiveness, unfeeling, frostbited for examples). Vast submodes - visionary, cosmic, universal, global) (submodes of mobility - travel, nomadology, sedentary, acrobatic, flexible, contortionist) and the chapters of hands. In the Chilean Archipelago, you will find Robinson Crusoe Island, where the real-life person ascribed in th novel was shipwrecked. Easter Island....I would not go there - get lost in the subterranean cities, those Moai. Bah! Chiloe and its traditions - a magic place.
mix them up - the infinity factor comes in - I believe there has been calculation of submodes and then the mix of these (paranoid vision, inattentive cosmic unfeeling universal ---)_ these are unproductive modes Productive modes are inhabitances, obviously. And fun. And the complexity of productive modes, submodes and these mixes, and then mixed the with the same in the anti productive and and the same in unproductive - is the soup we are made of. Autochtonous, a common word in Castillian, not so English....Primordial? Leave that to Carl Sagan and Mel Brooks. Discursive, metaphorical, inhabited soups? hahahah is there an Ode to the Soup du Jour? My father recalled a handful of times in his life something an acquaintance said to him in old 1950s Chile "no mucho sopa para la cabeza" - not too much soup for the head. Yes the cryptic shit my dad uttered - a Winey Shatner as therapeutic homilies. Must have been a soup glut one year in the obsession of the underclass home made cook books...
To produce modals, submodals and mix them up has been done in cybernetics as linguistics, anthropology, psychology, and my preferences. Read the snippet again. Un abrazo calido - warm embrace. The farewell to go home, abrazos (hugs) to sign off familial and friendly emails. The cut point of Latin cultures. Across people. Embrace and hey be good, take care.
Inhabitance by walking, home life. The dancing there is different - people of certain communities gather at dance halls from kids - to flirties, to slight more flirtiers, to married with prams, to the old happy people. inhabitance
This is not literalisation of metaphors, but the swimming in them, passing through them, don't fucken play El Condor Pasa, just fucken don't! hahahah ya empezo el hueveo! Inhabiting metaphors. Nietzsche mentioned mobile metaphors in his powerful work "On Truth and Lie in the Amoral Sense". That metaphors move.
I think the tightrope scene in Zarathustra currently that this is a homily - caution, nimbleness as virtues or anti-Lutheran preaching don't take the narrow path, take many paths or wider, safer, more scenic, warm, sensual and interesting paths.
I am reminded of Dauno Martinez, Sydney based bass player and the nicest badass you would really like to meet, hear and smile with. The virtuosity, yes, the poetics from the virtuosity, yes, the stratosphere, yes, the bottom end to make a groove rhythm inhabiting different altitudes, grounds, environments, poetics of his electric pedal use to make the mixes - wonderful, the ability to respect the genre, that is there.
(youtube of dauno martinez doing this stuff.)
Borges said that the history of the world can be drawn back to a few metaphors. He had a unique originariness. Back to the original few "walls" - which Cortazar played with in his opening story of Bestiary - where a tenant inhabits a new house. And someone in that house is making walls, more walls, until the protagonist is walled out of his house.
Neruda liked Borges but found him dreary - not much to work with. Borges criticised Neruda as a rightwinger - Borges turned blind in more ways than one...could only see really really large print towards the twilight of his life. They are not books of sand which is a a impermeable surface of eternity and specificity - his inhabitance was a handful of XL letters.
The eternal mutations of joy. Inhabitance with the senses and their productive antiproductive and unproductive submodes - is affirmed as yes. Infinity is questionable in quants? but the soup du jours are everyday. But have the fish of the day on Wednesday or Thursday. Chilean portsides - the seafood is exquisite. As well as the omni food of Peru. yeah. native herbal curative teas of South America. Yes that's down home. Peyote well, that's there and in the eyes of splendid visionaries who own the world. The master of the a street acquaintance told me of his shamanic beliefs. That is romantic - that is a little nerdy of the hippy hipster chomskian. He was cool sort of, the sweet Aussie nerd proselytizing buddhism and shamanism was Howl sung to the melody of El Condor paso otra vez - the condor flew past his in his irises.
Moving house anxiety. Domestic anxiety of living on my own. Suffering anxiety for hours, but bergsonian hours that fit in my small change jeans pocket. My hands, knees, enviro no fluid cleaning products. Own the dirt. Something is missing. A crackling living domesticity - fragrance of orchids. My own cooking does things to my friends - indirectly sometimes hehehe the comics taunts the "walk of shame" walker. Well, I don't have professional bowels, lucky I don't do that for income. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes gold plated Suri's first number two, and put it up for auction on e-bay. It would have made fiscal paper for the vaults and home kitty
I should get a pet - it is a safeguard.
cute - with table manners |
This will be no way as great as Pablo Neruda's houses, his dinner tables and bars, shoe and butterfly collections. In the manner of the alterlatino academic discussing the world of the gothic forest (readings of European sensibility) - I dunno - level of philosophy?
The french are very interested in houses - what's your house like? Their philosophy is aristocratic, examines structures and it's technics - genealogical and dynastic. The House of Namey, and they flee with ethnography, refuge in anthropology and otherness, alterity, they like you and your house, but they wear no pants in the morning. Nomadology is the footsteps of this dynasty in fruitful activities away from the Palace. Historical studies in Nomad culture document that in medieval city centres of the middle east, political power sharing arrangements - familial based - were practiced - one family ruled for a year, and the other five made an existence in their wanderings.
This was a codified practice of distribution of political power. Nomads explores, wandered, met, but they have a lineage and are waiting for succession. Deleuze and Guattari are orphan dauphins. Nomadology as Deleuze and Guattari, read through postcolonialism, is are footsteps to ascendancy whose traces are transient as sand, stopping at oases, with Xanadu as mirage, shimmering in a delusional distance, of escaped foreign legion soldier Beau Geste - who aint no-one's cop. the uniform of discourse is but surface.
To be kind to phenomoneologist which I don't know anything about really. Phenomenologies should acknowledge from Bourdieu, mutations, the mutation of perception and sense and the inhabitances of these, as mobile phenomenological inhabited mutations.
The English, see-sawing, happy in misery, melancholic with transience of niceness, and that, in pose, that niceness can never return? Talk about the weather, in a strange way, global warming is bringing out an English beam, but civil order and propriety till then. A basis of inclusion to sensibility and exclusion to ignorance of this propriety. Cliched, the rich mixed cultural and political points of London, it is nicey and dicey.
I cue orderly when I am the only person waiting in the line, don't you?
That old cliche is old duffle hat, nostalgia is power though I sense. The pining for the sun never setting is reborn in Little Britain, The Office, and Come Fly with Me. Nostalgia - greek for homesickness - Nostalgia for empire, yes hit that again, it's a feelgood - Come Fly with Me. Yes lunatic. I wonder what non-english listeners think when the comedic volume is turned to zero. Not so funny... but have your day in the sun. I hear you get more nowadays :)
The geneology of Germans, the Aryan pure transplanted in Noveau Germanias in South America. As well as Nazi fugitives. They are the comical scapegoats of Chilean humour. The irony is not lost on the Chileans. Chilean folklore has a secret which I am bound by death not to tell. Truly bastard lands and the Aryan immigrants want purity, noble Aleman? The Nazi fugitive wants sanctuary?
One silly old chilean dad joke - Mr Otto walks up limping terribly wincing in pain. Mr Fritz asks urgently "what's wrong Mr Otto? You look sick!" - "my shoes are 3 sized to small Mr Otto!"
I guess the next alter-chilean story from me is "La Herida Justo y su Canya Mala".
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Neruda's house shoes - size 30 men, the biggest he could get. The courier from the factory apologised and said they were both left footed/ He laughed and said "it's fitting" |
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Macbeth, the forest and the trees
"The forest shall come to Dunsinane" - the prophecy of the Weird Sisters at the beginning of Macbeth. A quotable tragedy, written superbly, giving life and audience experience. Zounds!
"Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky." - Sean Connery (1989 - misattributed to Charlemagne but it sounded good)
Shakespeare tragedies are great cos everyone cops it in style. and the humble gravediggers at work make jokes about the great so and so ending up underneath their shovels. But the monarchs always cop it. The cheaply seated at the Globe Theatre in Elizabethan London - the groundlings - look up to stage as aristocrat after aristocrat, prince, betrothed, Kings, Queens, usurper, adulterer, magician, as if in a ring, The Globe, they all fall down. Small pockets with posies and the cheapseats.
It is as if chess pieces upon a chessboard, from pawn, knight, King castles Queen side, openings Nimzo-Indian, middlegame, and the endgame of the third act - are wiped off the board. A board of little squares, with each piece playing a role but bound by the rules of the game, predicated upon a ground of boxes in rows and diagonals.
Other games of warfare, like Battleship, or the Japanese game Go work on different principles. Battleship works on reasoned guesses and pinpointing the opposition nasty nasty little war boat. So, the reasoned guesses can be said to imbue the game with guess as radar technology. The lovely thing about Battleship is that reasonable people don't jump up and down when they win and say "I am the best radar killing machine in the world" and then do their little dance.
- this is a play, this is no game, this is no war, this is Chaos!
The history of Chess is different - decapitation by King to knight are part of the history, after the Liege was defeated at the Chess by the knight instant beheadings were common place. These were no cafe games.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Part 2 where Death is beaten by the dudes in Battleship and Twister is a my best friend in this theory. Beautiful though the Seventh Seal is, it is unwatchable, and the existentialism in it would get knotted up in Twister. Existential knight, puerile party-on dudes having a laugh - this is just one cute choice from a whole raft of games and idiocies whispish or waspish.
But back to the fray! Bring your discuses (discusses? discii?) Javelins (javelii?) and good high and long jumping selves is this pentathlon of warfare - not of targets, but how far will the discii travel or will the arrow land...
If I could turn back time, I would, with a volley of men, bind Heraclitus for these fragments of his works - "Life is War" and "The Universe is like a child at play."
So from play to game. The win and the loss. There cultures where loss is celebrated sounding like a great nightclub. Where I am from loss is bad. The Iphone 4 commercial is a great loss, I mean in a hot nightclub celebration way - I don't have one, and if I don't I am losing out on things like losing them at nightclubs. So I better get one, and there goes a week's rent. This is what The Most Beautiful Economist in the World calls "Sunk Costs" - that missing out possessing something will cost more to you than the price of the product. At the moment buying an Iphone 4 would sink my own private Bismarck.
But come back - "the forest shall come to Dunsinane" - "man not born of woman" and all those wild sylvan allusions and cthonic enuncations from the weird sisters at the beginning of Macbeth- those incantations delight me darkly. The beginnings of jungle warfare. In so many ways, that it's not funny.
To use the trees as camouflage on the assault on Macbeth's castle is guerrilla tactics in the manner of the Sean Connery quote. Let us delve into the magical aspect of this prophesy whilst keeping out tin foil wizard hats on.
A warlike forest? Silviculture through a frame of systems ecology, maps out for us growth relationships, sustenances and toxicities of forest ecosystems. Enough water and soils, the forests grow for ever. A warlike Tree, just one of them, is Middel Oerth lore-like. The Treant in the works of Tolkein is the major. A californian redwood on legs with a terminator attitude and on southside a californian bluewood on legs rapping and putting a cap in yo' ass. Colors and One Red one and One Blue one, relate. I will disentangle from the strangler vines of pop culture, Tolkein included.

If a sovereign state, or sovereign corporations* (what is this?) stopped deforestation then forests would recuperate and grow. Tree planters, bushies, regeneration volunteers, Government Environmental Protection policies and families simply camping would collaborate in the spread of forests, and start planting seeds of espionage in the Silvicultural Resistance and Counterbalance. Forests in a strategic manner, with branches everywhere, rooted in public space, leafing through our daily lives would govern us. That kind of warfare I would like, and let the accursed Dunsinane be damned!
"Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky." - Sean Connery (1989 - misattributed to Charlemagne but it sounded good)
Shakespeare tragedies are great cos everyone cops it in style. and the humble gravediggers at work make jokes about the great so and so ending up underneath their shovels. But the monarchs always cop it. The cheaply seated at the Globe Theatre in Elizabethan London - the groundlings - look up to stage as aristocrat after aristocrat, prince, betrothed, Kings, Queens, usurper, adulterer, magician, as if in a ring, The Globe, they all fall down. Small pockets with posies and the cheapseats.
It is as if chess pieces upon a chessboard, from pawn, knight, King castles Queen side, openings Nimzo-Indian, middlegame, and the endgame of the third act - are wiped off the board. A board of little squares, with each piece playing a role but bound by the rules of the game, predicated upon a ground of boxes in rows and diagonals.
Other games of warfare, like Battleship, or the Japanese game Go work on different principles. Battleship works on reasoned guesses and pinpointing the opposition nasty nasty little war boat. So, the reasoned guesses can be said to imbue the game with guess as radar technology. The lovely thing about Battleship is that reasonable people don't jump up and down when they win and say "I am the best radar killing machine in the world" and then do their little dance.
- this is a play, this is no game, this is no war, this is Chaos!
The history of Chess is different - decapitation by King to knight are part of the history, after the Liege was defeated at the Chess by the knight instant beheadings were common place. These were no cafe games.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Part 2 where Death is beaten by the dudes in Battleship and Twister is a my best friend in this theory. Beautiful though the Seventh Seal is, it is unwatchable, and the existentialism in it would get knotted up in Twister. Existential knight, puerile party-on dudes having a laugh - this is just one cute choice from a whole raft of games and idiocies whispish or waspish.
But back to the fray! Bring your discuses (discusses? discii?) Javelins (javelii?) and good high and long jumping selves is this pentathlon of warfare - not of targets, but how far will the discii travel or will the arrow land...
If I could turn back time, I would, with a volley of men, bind Heraclitus for these fragments of his works - "Life is War" and "The Universe is like a child at play."
So from play to game. The win and the loss. There cultures where loss is celebrated sounding like a great nightclub. Where I am from loss is bad. The Iphone 4 commercial is a great loss, I mean in a hot nightclub celebration way - I don't have one, and if I don't I am losing out on things like losing them at nightclubs. So I better get one, and there goes a week's rent. This is what The Most Beautiful Economist in the World calls "Sunk Costs" - that missing out possessing something will cost more to you than the price of the product. At the moment buying an Iphone 4 would sink my own private Bismarck.
But come back - "the forest shall come to Dunsinane" - "man not born of woman" and all those wild sylvan allusions and cthonic enuncations from the weird sisters at the beginning of Macbeth- those incantations delight me darkly. The beginnings of jungle warfare. In so many ways, that it's not funny.
To use the trees as camouflage on the assault on Macbeth's castle is guerrilla tactics in the manner of the Sean Connery quote. Let us delve into the magical aspect of this prophesy whilst keeping out tin foil wizard hats on.
A warlike forest? Silviculture through a frame of systems ecology, maps out for us growth relationships, sustenances and toxicities of forest ecosystems. Enough water and soils, the forests grow for ever. A warlike Tree, just one of them, is Middel Oerth lore-like. The Treant in the works of Tolkein is the major. A californian redwood on legs with a terminator attitude and on southside a californian bluewood on legs rapping and putting a cap in yo' ass. Colors and One Red one and One Blue one, relate. I will disentangle from the strangler vines of pop culture, Tolkein included.

If a sovereign state, or sovereign corporations* (what is this?) stopped deforestation then forests would recuperate and grow. Tree planters, bushies, regeneration volunteers, Government Environmental Protection policies and families simply camping would collaborate in the spread of forests, and start planting seeds of espionage in the Silvicultural Resistance and Counterbalance. Forests in a strategic manner, with branches everywhere, rooted in public space, leafing through our daily lives would govern us. That kind of warfare I would like, and let the accursed Dunsinane be damned!
sovereign corporations,
sunk costs
Survival of the Fattest
Science cannot escape language, especially metaphor, as a frame.
Observer Paradoxes notes its involvement in this popular schamozzle.
The Ideal Observer of certain analytic philosophy doesn't. It's why some of these people are impossible. The 100% rational. This is a divinity of posture. Prescription is bad, especially when you can score yourself. Boooo Prescription!
I am not in academia so I consider my research and opinions as photocopies. So, no contributing something new, just joining the smaller ensembles.
The internet makes me lazy. As I read an internet precis on Richard Dawkin's "The God Delusion" it struck me that he may be Moral Darwinist. It comes across in his manner as well. So I am suspicious and active. I have assimilated well to my culture and will cut you down. That is what makes the internet interesting - the opportunity for laziness - it is a body electric, and I loafe on the grass.
I have weight and anger management issues - but, hey! I'm big in Japan.
If I had a position it would be this - hallucinate productively, be chameleonic in the arenas of professionalism. That is my Darwinism and I work on it everyday.
Observer Paradoxes notes its involvement in this popular schamozzle.
The Ideal Observer of certain analytic philosophy doesn't. It's why some of these people are impossible. The 100% rational. This is a divinity of posture. Prescription is bad, especially when you can score yourself. Boooo Prescription!
I am not in academia so I consider my research and opinions as photocopies. So, no contributing something new, just joining the smaller ensembles.
The internet makes me lazy. As I read an internet precis on Richard Dawkin's "The God Delusion" it struck me that he may be Moral Darwinist. It comes across in his manner as well. So I am suspicious and active. I have assimilated well to my culture and will cut you down. That is what makes the internet interesting - the opportunity for laziness - it is a body electric, and I loafe on the grass.
I have weight and anger management issues - but, hey! I'm big in Japan.
If I had a position it would be this - hallucinate productively, be chameleonic in the arenas of professionalism. That is my Darwinism and I work on it everyday.
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It is what it is |
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sir Les Patterson and the yaaartz
Is aesthetics the study of the sublime? Sublime as beauty, or boredom, or critique? Just havin a go, and life - be in it and be out of it!
I am not interested in the sublime, if it means sub-limen that is i think, underneath the limit. Sure, I am not Icarus today, daedalus strategy worked because he kept within the limits, so in Bloomsday Lore he is the artist. Limits are not static, I would know coz I have not had a car crash for yonkz.
and we gotta plant more trees and save the bushy jungles of Amazons, the concept of limit connotes a stasis or one plane of movement (with daedulus, it is flight). Maybe it's a blokey thing but there's a touch of the inflexibles about it.
Sir Les, champagne comedy on a beer budget, God bless you Sir Les and all the sheilas you have sailed in!
I am not interested in the sublime, if it means sub-limen that is i think, underneath the limit. Sure, I am not Icarus today, daedalus strategy worked because he kept within the limits, so in Bloomsday Lore he is the artist. Limits are not static, I would know coz I have not had a car crash for yonkz.
and we gotta plant more trees and save the bushy jungles of Amazons, the concept of limit connotes a stasis or one plane of movement (with daedulus, it is flight). Maybe it's a blokey thing but there's a touch of the inflexibles about it.
Sir Les, champagne comedy on a beer budget, God bless you Sir Les and all the sheilas you have sailed in!
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Click on any word you like to read Les Patterson's sexy poo-moo discourse on kultcha and Australian politics |
james joyce,
Sir Les Patterson,
the arts,
the sublime
Friday, May 27, 2011
Talking to mathematicians about poetry
A fictive dramatisation of Vladimir Mayakovsky's tax return to pure scientists and guardians -
Dear Taxonomy agent:
Because I speak as an outsider, having never been awarded a medal or a mantle to pin it on, I cannot capture your definition and intent of what you do and how you see, obviously!, respected as it is. But is this an act of betrayal?
Claiming sole definition lives but complaining about malabduction or mismatched engagement as an economic injury? This is preciousness - beyond value and metaphysics - belies a theology of language, which is the author, Auteur, slighted political Pontiffs. If respected definition must set up boundaries of ownership it becomes strategic, and semipermeability makes it all wobbly-woo.
Rarification of language can be ascertained with application and breakthroughs - allusions and allegories are the treehouses of scoundrels who articulate at distances, with their particular nuance and touch. Allusions and allegories are distant volleys. Traipsing botanists have a habit of shaking trees to get fruit, seeds, animals, and if indeed there is a tree house czars, czarinas, and Rasputins above, volleying distant allusions and allegories ...the fumbling botanist spoils the exploration, if the guarded Faberge eggs - cerulean blue, fall and crack. Let us hope that hatchlings emerge in the clumsiness of traipsing big footed botanists.
Pure science, pure reason, pure critique, pure identities? - fantasies
Why do some old stick-in-the-muds mathematics professors begin proofs as "Let A=A"? It is to remind that, amidst the student giggles, that the foundation, non-reflective algebra, is still symbolic and potentially can become something else. In an Alice in Wonderland way - this trajectory should suggest that A could equal X, that is why the stickler starts with establishing the frame of self-identity and solidity of mathematical value. If not, then, all that is solid melts into air... and can we have that?
To overstep further to the precipice of mathematical ignorance, that the solidity of mathematics and algebra, of its self-identical and non-self-reflective nature that if we do not let A=A and A can equal something else, or it equates to a multiplicity of values within one algebraic symbol at this first axiomatic level of solidity and self-identity...
I wonder, and only fumble, that at this axiomatic foundations of algebraic, or even integer solidity (1 must equal 1, mustn't it?), that mutliplicities or complexities of value are unfolded in proofs and equations.
That language - with its everyday misunderstandings already needs no unfolding proof of this, that language's multiplicity and ambiguities, zeugmas, puns, intended or unintended, are immanent.
Mathematics is hard work, for the complex state of multiplicity of value within one logical symbol. Here is a scatological example.
The word "shit" means many things - drugs, bad value, good value, agreement, a scream of sudden pain and the list can continue - that is economical in its many uses in four letters
the mathematics of this - s+h-it ... requires constant operators in the proof and to get an equation "=" is axiomatic. To be silly but serious that s+h-it= this blog posting ... well it is a lot of work, the mathematical operators in the proof working in a hydraulic manner - whereas shit (in words) is digital in comparison and really says it all. I hope at least I made someone laugh at my blackheaded pimply logic and maths in space.
Mathematics as language requires mechanisms, operators, no matter how clumsy or fine, swift and elegant. It has constructive filters and elements of functionality. "Science, It works, bitches" - is a pontification of the theology of function and analytical reason. "Working" is the grounding of science but working as the final refuge of czars, czarinas and Rasputins of Science? This attests to a certain attitudinal laziness or inflexibility of the sciences, also known as - that bitch has the best botox. Science has no idea to do with its indolence, its free time when money is not involved. This does not mean that individual scientists cannot wow me with scientific oddities, wonders or anachronisms. I think that is grand! I like how some scientists just hold back on the money.
Language is a math that has turned into air - solidity turns into hot air -the pontiffs tell you that you are dismissed.. Language, as a mathematic, does not require operators, or multipliers or dividers, squarers and rooters, - one word has several meanings, within written context, language hallucinates, hallucinates the reader. Language is already a multiplicity, of either blossoming solidities or semipermeable weavings.
One cannot hypnotise with the obvious power of math but with this - words, you can. Compliance to oblivion, you want, don't you.... hallucinate, hallucinate, hallucinate...
I have no science or philosophy career to lose. Sanity? Well, I don't take these writings seriously - it doesn't matter much to me.
Mayakovsky suicided at 37 years of age - prodigious and very ambitious. Grandiosity is to be danced with, with appropriate care and caution. Love to the reader, you have suffered enough! Now eat your pineapple xx
Dear Taxonomy agent:
Because I speak as an outsider, having never been awarded a medal or a mantle to pin it on, I cannot capture your definition and intent of what you do and how you see, obviously!, respected as it is. But is this an act of betrayal?
Claiming sole definition lives but complaining about malabduction or mismatched engagement as an economic injury? This is preciousness - beyond value and metaphysics - belies a theology of language, which is the author, Auteur, slighted political Pontiffs. If respected definition must set up boundaries of ownership it becomes strategic, and semipermeability makes it all wobbly-woo.
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Cover to Mayakovsky's book "Talking to the Taxman about Poetry" photography by A. Rodchenko |
Pure science, pure reason, pure critique, pure identities? - fantasies
Why do some old stick-in-the-muds mathematics professors begin proofs as "Let A=A"? It is to remind that, amidst the student giggles, that the foundation, non-reflective algebra, is still symbolic and potentially can become something else. In an Alice in Wonderland way - this trajectory should suggest that A could equal X, that is why the stickler starts with establishing the frame of self-identity and solidity of mathematical value. If not, then, all that is solid melts into air... and can we have that?
To overstep further to the precipice of mathematical ignorance, that the solidity of mathematics and algebra, of its self-identical and non-self-reflective nature that if we do not let A=A and A can equal something else, or it equates to a multiplicity of values within one algebraic symbol at this first axiomatic level of solidity and self-identity...
I wonder, and only fumble, that at this axiomatic foundations of algebraic, or even integer solidity (1 must equal 1, mustn't it?), that mutliplicities or complexities of value are unfolded in proofs and equations.
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treeshaker without due research, but his career depended on it - see climate change debate between Monbiot and Bellamy. Bellamy slain. 10th May 2005 Channel 4 UK |
Mathematics is hard work, for the complex state of multiplicity of value within one logical symbol. Here is a scatological example.
The word "shit" means many things - drugs, bad value, good value, agreement, a scream of sudden pain and the list can continue - that is economical in its many uses in four letters
the mathematics of this - s+h-it ... requires constant operators in the proof and to get an equation "=" is axiomatic. To be silly but serious that s+h-it= this blog posting ... well it is a lot of work, the mathematical operators in the proof working in a hydraulic manner - whereas shit (in words) is digital in comparison and really says it all. I hope at least I made someone laugh at my blackheaded pimply logic and maths in space.
Mathematics as language requires mechanisms, operators, no matter how clumsy or fine, swift and elegant. It has constructive filters and elements of functionality. "Science, It works, bitches" - is a pontification of the theology of function and analytical reason. "Working" is the grounding of science but working as the final refuge of czars, czarinas and Rasputins of Science? This attests to a certain attitudinal laziness or inflexibility of the sciences, also known as - that bitch has the best botox. Science has no idea to do with its indolence, its free time when money is not involved. This does not mean that individual scientists cannot wow me with scientific oddities, wonders or anachronisms. I think that is grand! I like how some scientists just hold back on the money.
Language is a math that has turned into air - solidity turns into hot air -the pontiffs tell you that you are dismissed.. Language, as a mathematic, does not require operators, or multipliers or dividers, squarers and rooters, - one word has several meanings, within written context, language hallucinates, hallucinates the reader. Language is already a multiplicity, of either blossoming solidities or semipermeable weavings.
One cannot hypnotise with the obvious power of math but with this - words, you can. Compliance to oblivion, you want, don't you.... hallucinate, hallucinate, hallucinate...
I have no science or philosophy career to lose. Sanity? Well, I don't take these writings seriously - it doesn't matter much to me.
Mayakovsky suicided at 37 years of age - prodigious and very ambitious. Grandiosity is to be danced with, with appropriate care and caution. Love to the reader, you have suffered enough! Now eat your pineapple xx
Vladimir Mayakovsky
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The fear of tempests
Nothing like the fear of God to put the fear of God in you.
In the lyrical and conversational style I prefer of this ficto-science. I will ask you if you remember a common situation.
You are a very young child and a thunderstorm is approaching. The first one you remember. Yes, that one. The loud thunderclaps as if Odin himself had roared and Thor struck the Oerth. And lightning and hard rain, hard, hard rain. It is God, it is Great. It is destruction. It is fear. The first time you saw the dance of lightning, like scissors, forks and knives, like the animal mouth of Fenris-Ulf, with teeth of swords when he walked the Oerth in times of green and of savagery. It is barbaric, without protection and it is beautiful fear.
I have a friend who wrote a thesis on eco-allegory. I really hope he can input here. I recall his writings of nature, coming into the home, and of the fear of the wildness of nature, and of the safety of the home. But these frames can have different lenses.
On this scant memory of David Fonteyn's work I sense a dynamism between the nomos and logos of Ecos.
Dr Fonteyn's work is far more extant than that, and obviously follows different and varied rivulets of thoughts, approaches and regards.
This post cannot be about his work as such.
I had read a book when I was that child first experiencing storms, semipermeably, that early mythical creatures, such as the Djinn (Genie) were anthropomorphic descriptions of meteorological events. And the continuation of the anthropomorphisation of floods, seas parting, rays of sunshine and wildfires to mythical creatures continues.
Animist tradition though imbue the natural world with spirit. I am though interested now in deities, magical, sacred as such, as animals.
Invoking deities from Pharoanic Egypt, the Viking etc allows me to say that deities as bricolage, as tools, are there to help us deal with nature, semi-permeable nature. In a simplistic way, animist traditions are with indigenous cultures, polytheist traditions are in agri-cultures (so the floods will come etc), monotheisms are in moral cultures - laws, codices, accountability. The sources are their in Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals, the works of Bataille, anthropology of Bateson. I will deny academic writing for its passivity. This writing is not supplementing kudos, accountability or career so there is no personal need -as I meander.

So, the Nile had its crocodiles, the ouroboros of Viking legend, Quetzalcoatl's Mayan return all veiled in terms of the nomos conspiring to repress reptoid alien galactic warfare - which is the truth, the logos.
All I will point to at the moment is that I see a lot of horseshit in reptoid discourse and conspiracies. World changing assertions yet without references. And if there is a reference, on inspection, it didn't bear much. And that I don't agree means that I am not inquisitive enough, or enchanted by the spin of media. Did I mention I don't listen to radio or watch TV?
So doomsayers and apocalyptic salesman I think are people with resentments, and the whole world has to suffer - except for them and their herd, obviously! The resentment factor is so magnified it is arguably sublime.
But the One you believe in will sort them all out. Maybe the One will take your slights into consideration.
The fear of mega-weather events is the foundation of metaphysics, spirituality and religion - is the contestation here. It doesn't matter much to me.
As for the taxonomies to be made semipermeable? logos and nomos - ha! the ancient greek embeds in discourse to be shaken, dusted off, cracked, blended, chopped , diced, dressed and the excess thrown over one's shoulder for good fortune.
In the lyrical and conversational style I prefer of this ficto-science. I will ask you if you remember a common situation.
You are a very young child and a thunderstorm is approaching. The first one you remember. Yes, that one. The loud thunderclaps as if Odin himself had roared and Thor struck the Oerth. And lightning and hard rain, hard, hard rain. It is God, it is Great. It is destruction. It is fear. The first time you saw the dance of lightning, like scissors, forks and knives, like the animal mouth of Fenris-Ulf, with teeth of swords when he walked the Oerth in times of green and of savagery. It is barbaric, without protection and it is beautiful fear.
I have a friend who wrote a thesis on eco-allegory. I really hope he can input here. I recall his writings of nature, coming into the home, and of the fear of the wildness of nature, and of the safety of the home. But these frames can have different lenses.
On this scant memory of David Fonteyn's work I sense a dynamism between the nomos and logos of Ecos.

This post cannot be about his work as such.
I had read a book when I was that child first experiencing storms, semipermeably, that early mythical creatures, such as the Djinn (Genie) were anthropomorphic descriptions of meteorological events. And the continuation of the anthropomorphisation of floods, seas parting, rays of sunshine and wildfires to mythical creatures continues.
Animist tradition though imbue the natural world with spirit. I am though interested now in deities, magical, sacred as such, as animals.
Invoking deities from Pharoanic Egypt, the Viking etc allows me to say that deities as bricolage, as tools, are there to help us deal with nature, semi-permeable nature. In a simplistic way, animist traditions are with indigenous cultures, polytheist traditions are in agri-cultures (so the floods will come etc), monotheisms are in moral cultures - laws, codices, accountability. The sources are their in Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals, the works of Bataille, anthropology of Bateson. I will deny academic writing for its passivity. This writing is not supplementing kudos, accountability or career so there is no personal need -as I meander.

So, the Nile had its crocodiles, the ouroboros of Viking legend, Quetzalcoatl's Mayan return all veiled in terms of the nomos conspiring to repress reptoid alien galactic warfare - which is the truth, the logos.
All I will point to at the moment is that I see a lot of horseshit in reptoid discourse and conspiracies. World changing assertions yet without references. And if there is a reference, on inspection, it didn't bear much. And that I don't agree means that I am not inquisitive enough, or enchanted by the spin of media. Did I mention I don't listen to radio or watch TV?
So doomsayers and apocalyptic salesman I think are people with resentments, and the whole world has to suffer - except for them and their herd, obviously! The resentment factor is so magnified it is arguably sublime.
But the One you believe in will sort them all out. Maybe the One will take your slights into consideration.
The fear of mega-weather events is the foundation of metaphysics, spirituality and religion - is the contestation here. It doesn't matter much to me.
As for the taxonomies to be made semipermeable? logos and nomos - ha! the ancient greek embeds in discourse to be shaken, dusted off, cracked, blended, chopped , diced, dressed and the excess thrown over one's shoulder for good fortune.
Acclimatizing to new models...
ecdI, writtornello, do humbly declare that I have a brimming cup of research of no fuss but some fun can be hazardous. We all like that really,
Here is a self reference, I make words up! These are known in the business as neologisms. So I have a linguistic talent as a neologician - and one offers explanations. But it is not the Douglas Adams "meaning of liff" and that quaint comedic penguin book schtick. I am pointing at you and hear this - there is method in this presentation.
Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass I sing the body electric Song of myself |
So, for example, when I think I have made a word up, usually brought around by mental crocodile wrestling, I bring how the fight was fought, how the way was won, as words below not just signification, or referentiality, but bustling flows, turbulence, ideas on the grassy river banks of sense - I envision Walt Whitman smoking a corn pipe and exhaling to the night sky as he manifested into a legion of proud Kentuckians, Southern coal-miners, River people, farming communities and telegraph systems. The stuff of legion is always swimming in these eddies and freshets, riding rapids and flows. Words mean nothing till explained, and Douglas Adams is one of those quaint comedic writers, an Arthur Dent of propriety and things are just not fair - granted, we made it that way. It bores me at times.
I, writtornello, will blow the horn -- jazperger's syndrome (first google reference prize), logostrophe (first google reference prize) I could just lay on my fat laurelly ass, my friends would like that, but you are my reader and not my friend. Your friends don't listen to me, as I don't read minds. This is Alice but bear with me - I am nobody's salesman, mofo, not even my own - my downfall ;)
Google Neologist - someone who makes neologism and brings life and not liff or Liffey - no crocodiles, gators or caimans in those waters. I can only say the Amazon Basin. It is our lives - the most humble universal statement I can make. I don't make them lightly so love to the reader.
As my intellectual bent has veered towards "smooth ecologies" - a statement that itself bears explanations and is also a "first google reference prize" I keep moving into smaller territories of delight - psychoclimatology, of which there is a fine abstract on the net - 2010. In the field of climatology there is a subset of study called tempestology - the study of storms. The Google Neologism of this month is psychotempestology - the effect of storms on the psyche. And another goof off google first. I eat these pussies for breakfast... Biometereology - to the point of space weather and wellbeing
Words mere words, HEAR me well. So much of psychology is psychocentric - the mental self as focus for the discipline. Flip it! We are weather systems and not psyches! Little havens of weather, internal climate states. To bring Jung and Reich, antipsychiatry and schizoanalysis into play somewhat, that we are all weather systems, our bodies at the cellular level at least being semipermeable, and thus what "sense" is, is the vibe in everyday language. If the semipermeability of cells and sub-atoms are axiomatic, I propose a climatological model of understanding bodies, as distinct from overly-strict medical models.
I am bold enough to imagine that at sub-cellular level, patterns of semipermeable exchange and of cellular behaviour are not only correlated to geo-magnetic forces or likely affected by such forces (RW Kay
Geomagnetic storms: association with incidence of depression as measured by hospital admission
The British Journal of Psychiatry 164: 403- 409 (1994) )- but cells themselves operate akin to terrestrial/cosmological weather patterns.
I maybe mad. But if I am, then these old people are the academic face of this rant. (1988)
Human biometeorology. A solid and factitious established medical science. Let me plant meteorology as the model and a re-evaluated biology and humanism (in the scientific, not ethico-political sense juuust yet) will follow.
Black clouds over heads, radiant woman, beaming smile, stormy relationships, warm soul, cloudy dispositions, art works, songs, Billie Holliday, a mist over his eyes lifted and smoking cigarettes is what it is, - the control of your own cloud systems, as I mean it.
The year 1737? Mon cule!!
"Smooth ecologies" ? Could be an overarching narrative to make sense and peace of my freshets and rushes, as I lie on the grass, loafing. As I bleat - personal ecologies, social ecologies, biomic ecologies (that is - The Industrialised Earth, we have no other, as humans we can have no other - productive critters we are). I won't get universal as I hate even flirting with that body of work. Transversality - respectful commonalities and differences respected and not obsessed over. Transversal also offers the appreciation of other forms of existence - I give an example here of deconstructing psychocentrism and using an unrelated scientific field as a model to juice new perspectives on all bodies. The strategy of this thought-piece is to take the body of work and examine it in a different model - to see what results I can get. I wonder what you get?
Semipermeable taxonomies lead to breathier, more open and wide vista ecologies - a big picture and no hermetic segments at the level of the particular. The taxonomies of ecologies as presented above I present to a becoming-dissolute, as to become semipermeable taxonomies of ecologies. And all that is solid melts in air... I was more seduced by Karl Marx's poetic form. It hasn't stopped.
To harp heavenly, Jung's transpersonal asserts that we are all one in the archetypal unconscious - i pose to him that we are all multiplicitous semipermeable weather systems and are already co-mingling. A poetics of science. Ficto-science, as distinct to science fiction, or alt science.
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