Friday, July 3, 2015

A muse on Galloway's "Laruelle - Against the Digital."

My understanding of the hermeneutics of philosophy is that a meaning is elicited. Among the perspectives is reading to one meaning. As poet I have a history of cognitive condensation when reading philosophy - an interpretive or hermetic drift. To the point of logocentric epistrophe.

The glimpse of Laruelle's non-standard philosophy in Alexander Galloway's Against the Digital offers on opportunity for such condensation.

On finishing the chapter I ask if the one or the a priori as "prevent" withdraws from the category of Possibility. I also thought that the a priori is a rivenness or decision at standard philosophy? Likely I'm encumbered with Laruelle's non-philosophy from his III or IV period.

Entertaining the view that apriorization is riven from at least standard philosophy and its world then we can posit a Non-Laruelle. I think Terence Blake of Agent Swarm blog wrote an article about Non-Laruelle.

Am yet to finish the book. Am yet to read Laruelle's primary texts. I'm familiarising myself some of the terminology like one-in-one, in-one, and still getting my head around vision-in-one and determination in the last instance. I grasp as I read - trust I can commit the terms to memory some time.

Also interested in Laruelle's quantum turn. Floating signification (suspension with a background of apriorization) and the semantic complexity of lived experience. I believe Laruelle is giving a seminar in November this year? A commentator hopes that Laruelle expands on non-Marxism and transit without trauma <--- I don't know what that means. Will posit a likely condensation that transit without trauma relates to amphobology or maybe the great withdrawal of one.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Infinite Non-Consciousness in One

an engagement against vitalist-correlationism in "consciousness creates the universe" discourse. Drawing on the works of Laruelle and Meillassoux. exploring the category of non-consciousness as Derridean opposite and suture. Thank you to Artxell Knaphni- who is a dear One (including eliminativist and consciousnessist)

Work in progress.