Sunday, April 6, 2014

Thanatacism and Alcopop Marketing

Thanks to McKenzie Wark's notion of #thanaticism and soylent greenification of our food which is becoming more artificial colour and preservative - centric

Ok so I'm riffing about food and how companies are even post-artificial flavouring and now food coloring and preservative centric, so to speak.

The notion of Pineapple Alcohol Infused Detergent or PAID for short, ergo lemonpaid, cherrypaid etc

The alcopop should have the color and texture of industrial detergent. Blue pink green etc

The intoxicant is to be best psychoactive mix of legitimate preservatives if it's cheaper for companies to use than alcohol. But of course, charge the same price or more as your competition. And it means everyone can consume it legally

Have cocktails like *weekend washing*, *dry cleaning martini*, *spin cycle schnapps* that you can drink at Sydney club The Chinese Laundry.

The mission from me being that such marketing as master code is code mixed so much with toxicology that the sense of medical epidemic looms and marketing as master code dies. Oh and lazy design aesthetics too...

And if there's any master code, it's death. Death to toxicological marketing and products.

But sure toxins are ok if not ingested - enjoy cinema and culture responsibly

AND imagine the nightclub in house promos...

...Did you get PAID tonight?

Drink PAID and get laid....

This vermin has legs.

But this isn't mere marketing fatal thanatos. It has to be done by food science and make big mass marketing. Background with money ice-aggro cool and self-congratulations over deep multiplicities of vacuousness afforded by an income. I want a product.

And for the community at large to be provoked, to see social epidemic - enacted in some way. So that an engagement of death driven capitalism by negation gets discussed at large...

And that the legal age to drink is to be raised when you can handle your drink without acting like a combination of ADHD and UFC. I don't blame you though for the lower tolerance to alcohol - it's the epigenetic result of your bong smokin', eckying tripping parents and many other things, including socio-economic problems beyond your control...and the fact that most things are beyond control, means of production and the like that is.

This is a mix and postmix product from Detourne Marketing dot dot

Friday, April 4, 2014

The word became signifier but the signified pointed elsewhere

So, as a poet I am unafraid of language

the notion of incarnation in theology and how it related to embodiment in critical theory and science.

verbo caro factum est - the word became flesh

and there's more to the quote in the Angelus prayer in Latin. and it's in John 1:14 and recited at the end of the Tridentine mass.

secularising, scientising, schizophrenising (a la Deleuze) the notion of words become things is what's aimed in my thoughts of the upcoming poem.

and with the notion of displacement and perdurantism of things
would a word become something other than what it's about, to a schizophrenic

ie - would the word table become the table. maybe the word table becomes a fork. or

if a word is a thing then by recursion, could the word become a word.

here is a line and it's a fork, a vinculum-----------------------------

maybe the phoneme blocks in my throat and I speak flesh. and read it and hear it, and sense it.

that's language becoming thing, or objectivising...I don't know how to use the word object today in light of OOO and I don't like the world being reduced to ready-to-hand and therefore taken for granted even though it's supposed to be pragmatic and get things done, where present to hand supposedly never could. I side with Husserl here.

My point then is arbitrar-ising. Because like Neruda - I have a mind to confuse things, unite them, make them new-born, mix them up, undress them, until all light in the world has the oneness of the ocean, a generous, vast wholeness, a crackling, living fragrance.

and that's the reason, is there ethics there?

That too is important even though poets don't have to be ethicists or Talleyrandists at all but ethics is important to me.

it's a things require reassemblage at this level?