So - the emperor is naked. Say hello to the new boss, same as the old boss.
But how about this to stir the wasps nest. "I like your old stuff better than your young stuff"
The word whateva takes precedence, does it not? The being-dismissed out of what the commons people of Occupy and rebellion and anarchy and all rebellions soft and sweet is the bone or pie of contention.
And the anti-intellectual but nevertheless intelligent say "get over it - it will all work out in the end".
I think of my butt and the guarantee that shit happens.
To the occupiers and the didacts who want to show me the emperor's donger - well, yeah, nothing no-one has never seen before. Bullies, black-eyes and also some real bad bruises.
It is understandable and I think it would be remiss for ostracised people NOT to have the shits.
But is that it? wallowing in frustration? That capitalism does not give us free money to buy our feathers and caps to strut like cocks of the walk or spray our scent so you get one you want?
It's a question of distribution of money. And distribution of employment. And as well the healing of the rift between animal alpha pimps and hoes - and the rest of us plane jane and schmoes looking at the pornography of desire and actually thinking we deserve better.
Thinking won't do it. A lot of activists reach a point of desiring threshold to bring down the Patriarchy and the Imperialist Semiotic Machine. The discursive and economic spores and spermatozoa to make scents in the countries of riches. While hell freezes and Africa starves for no good reason. Surplus produce... is inflammatory. You can't give free food without some engine starting. And I thank my friends and fellow activists for nourishing my soul and my body.
and it starts from there - and it can end there. Letting spirits rest.
But let's take up the Occupy challenge. So, the rebellious spore and spermatozoa and scent. Let it have it's Rio de Janeiro of cake and pussy time. Now, Chomsky opines that the system is too big too fail. And he's pragmatic.
So shall the activists keep working themselves into a lather? And showing all that those well placed in everyday mercantilism on a micro-economic level that economic DISTRUST and social hypothermia rules?
When I say economies, I mean social, financial, fiscal, libidinal, sexual, creative, electronic and domestic home economies.
Trust lost - and it's cold inside too - Hell Hath Frozen Over and the mad winds belong to everyone - those who run the symbiosis, those who attack it, those who live in it comfortably and those who snuggle up to someone and does not wish to think about it or are unable to make decisions.
Well - the social buck stops here. Not only now is there geo-economic hunger, and intransigence military-industrial-media and governmental. I am forced to re-evaluate all values of economics.
Economics tells us in clear terms that money is a nominal value based on the ups and downs of markets macro - micro and interconnected.
The old native American Indian jibe of the capitalist unable to eat money when the last tree is gone is anthropological fairy floss - so let me give you a toffee apple.
Geo-Economics or Ecology as guiding principle to governance and therefore economics and the city is the ground.
The value is not in invisible hands or even what Timothy Morton wrote a few months ago - that human beings are ghosts that radiate isotopes.
We are flesh, blood, scent, sweat, hair, sperm, and all the abject and the beauty of eyes lips, lashes breasts hands buttocks arms, strengths.
Yes we are made of carbon and have a small radioactivity within us. Therefore it is imperative that to manage the Radioactive in us that the first value is by necessity Bio-Value.
I questioned tonight - why do humans see themselves quite so high up the food chain. Wouldn't it be more sensible that the fundaments of the food chain be solidified in seed banks, phytoplankton fars, clover commons, that recuperates the anthropocene?
And while where on the topic - the animal in us or the animal we think animals are - would require a re-evaluation of taxonomy to see them in the stark day of light.
The tightest belt of animal taxonomy I can think of.
The Non-imal.